Diver Indicted in 2003 GBR mishap

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Comcast has the picture posted on it homepage accompanied by a brief video w/ Greta VanSustern. I didn't see the victim in the background until it was spot-shadowed during the video. A very sad and disturbing picture.

BTW, I think he's guilty....of what? Where should I start....

Oh hell! you know like what are we "stupid" you know...I read only half of the report..you know and It's funny in that anybody even lets this guy keep talking you know...This was his wife you know. A rescue diver....are you kidding? a lousey 100ft. I would rather die saving my dive buddy you know than just letting them sink...and be comfortable in knowing that at least I'm alive! And My dive buddy is'nt even close to my WIFE. This MO$# should not even get a trial. But he will! and probably get free. But no-one can skip the carma one accumulates....MAY SHE REST IN PEASE and he rot in his own guilt. Hey I'm not perfect. Been married twice.... but both EXes are still alive. And someone should explain to the law....ELECTRONIC devices of any kind...just will NOT power up "at all" if the batteries are backwards. Same as no batteries at all. And they sure as hell, won't beep at you with no power to do so.....Pathetic.
And someone should explain to the law....ELECTRONIC devices of any kind...just will NOT power up "at all" if the batteries are backwards. Same as no batteries at all. And they sure as hell, won't beep at you with no power to do so.....Pathetic.

Someone pointed out that if the battery in the sender unit was backwards, the wrist computer would've beeped that it wasn't getting air pressure. So, that part of the event just my be the last, and only, true part of the tale. Provided he was using a AI wireless computer, which no one here has posted what computer he was using. Which led to the theory that he's destroyed the computer if the Aussies didn't keep it.
Someone pointed out that if the battery in the sender unit was backwards, the wrist computer would've beeped that it wasn't getting air pressure. So, that part of the event just my be the last, and only, true part of the tale. Provided he was using a AI wireless computer, which no one here has posted what computer he was using. Which led to the theory that he's destroyed the computer if the Aussies didn't keep it.

True, they didn;t share the type of computer....but, they do explain that the police tested the identicle computer and stated that it did not function at all with an improperly placed battery. It wasn't destroyed since they also have his dive profile and the pathetic 2+ minutes accent from 40 feet to save his wife.
Someone pointed out that if the battery in the sender unit was backwards, the wrist computer would've beeped that it wasn't getting air pressure. So, that part of the event just my be the last, and only, true part of the tale. Provided he was using a AI wireless computer, which no one here has posted what computer he was using. Which led to the theory that he's destroyed the computer if the Aussies didn't keep it.

My guess is the Aussies are holding the computer since the investigation still appears to be ongoing. It would be quite foolish to take a very damning piece of evidence and give it back to the suspect for safe keeping!
My guess is the Aussies are holding the computer since the investigation still appears to be ongoing. It would be quite foolish to take a very damning piece of evidence and give it back to the suspect for safe keeping!

One would hope. :thumbs_up:
Yeah one would hope but in the case of the recent adrift the Australian authorities let the divers keep two of four of their computers.
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