Somehow I missed this post yesterday but will address it now in relation to this incident. If you are fine with this arrangement all well and good. I personally would not be. If you are diving with a buddy and decide to end the dive the dive is over for you and your buddy until you are safely on the boat or on shore. If he should elect to continue the dive solo fine. But too many incidents have occurred when buddies get separated in benign conditions that have resulted in dead divers to risk it. And I never feel safe with "the group" because chances are unless I know them none of them are worth a squat if I have a problem.
I do know that if a Dm/Guide/Instructor is leading a dive and CHOOSES to escort a diver to the surface it then becomes more than just seeing them to the boat. Her buddy could and should have accompanied her, which by the way would have been the right thing to do. Then the instructor and the buddy could have continued the dive once the diver who was having difficulties was safely on board. This is one of the results of the discussion of always diving with a buddy but is seldom put into practice in OW classes. How many of you have seen divers being led around single file or in a group and have no idea who was buddied up with who? I'd bet most of you have.
My classes require buddies to stay together at all times from the first night in the pool swimming and snorkeling. If somebody gets a little carried away and thinks the swim is a race and laps their assigned buddy gues who is going to get back with their buddy and do an extra lap or two as a penalty for leaving their buddy. I don't give rat's butt if the DM/ Guide/ Whatever says it's ok I'll take him/her back you do not leave your buddy if you are truly diving as buddies. I do dive solo. Alot. But when I am with someone I am with them from the time we get into the water until we get out. Because it is that one time when everything seems ok that you say you're going up and will be fine that they turn bad in a second and he is now a widower. Not worth it.
Otherwise it is an agreed upon same ocean/lake/ quarry dive where we will meet up at such and such a time and are solely responsible for ourselves. That the instructor in this case did not make sure the diver was safely on the boat in those condtions, especially if there was only one other person the boat, is irresponsible and inexcusable. If there was more than one person on the boat and that person was not prepared, trained, or equipped to assist a diver who was having trouble at the surface while others were in the water is also irresponsible and inexcusable.
Divers should be able to take care of themselves. But if a situation arises where one cannot they have a right to expect that someone who is in a position to help will help. If this was not the case then the crew should have told everyone before going out that if they get in trouble to not expect any assistance. I would not have gone out in those conditions with only one person left on the boat. Calm, flat seas with no wind- OK.
But where there are 5-7 ft seas I would expect that if I surfaced and got into trouble there would at least be someone to toss me a line or assist me to the trail line. And again had her buddy done the right thing and stayed with her he may have been able to assist. This was a CF big time. Piss poor buddy procedures, lack of judgment on everyone's part, most likely insufficient training for this dive in these conditions, and on and on. As a result someone is dead. Again. And it did not have to happen.
I'd like to know why the instructor/guide thought it was ok to separate the buddies in a situation like this. It could have been a valuable lesson in proper buddy procedures and dive planning. Instead it is a lesson in funeral planning.