A responsible dive operator (
) will have a Diving Accident Management Plan, listing the closest chamber, the closest 24 hour chamber, the on-call physician's phone number, the secondary chamber (which will actually be tertiary, but you will no-$hit get treated there if the world is coming to an end), and addresses to all. They will have the number for the USCG flight surgeon in the district they are operating in (The flight surgeon makes the call to evacuate or not), the number for the CG helo dispatcher in the district they are in, maybe the cell number for the NOAA diving medical officer in case you can't get through to anyone else, the number to the dispatcher of the county medical evacuation chopper (they won't do a hoist to a boat, but might land in a national park if one were handy), the number for said national park EMT's because they sure as heck want to know that a chopper is about to land on their pad, and of course, the emergency number to DAN and the daytime number to DAN. A dive operator that may be in the Keys today and the Bahamas tomorrow and Puerto Rico the next day will have multiple copies of said plan to keep up to date. Their crew should be trained on the contents of the plan so that awkward situations (I assumed the chamber was accepting patients) don't pop up. It seems to me that the Panama City chamber stopped accepting DCS patients 5 or more years ago.
DAN will help generate this list of information FOR FREE!!!! They know every operational chamber in the world, they know who is down for maintenance and who will accept patients. This information is not a crapshoot, but you have to go out and gather it. Responsible divers would check with their operation to see if their Diving Accident Management Plan is up to date.
Or, you can just trust that the chamber is accepting patients that day, and if not, cry to the television station that you couldn't be treated in a perfectly good chamber.