Took longer than I thought for the insults to start flying.
My guess is that K_girl will be on Sadie's ignore list along with myself before the ball drops in Times Square tomorrow night.
You seem to be treating this more as a case of trying to be the best board-warrior than an attempt to discuss an issue rationally and seek out truth. You seem way too excited about getting a rise out of the two people here who actually have a personal attachment and concern for David Swain. I recall you writing about bragging to your friends about having won a board war and calling for the death penalty, but I'm not sure you have added a single meaningful thought to this discussion. K_girl puts in all sorts of time digging for facts, reproducing articles (which I believe is questionable in terms of copyright law), and analyzing facts. Even at this point, I believe that she considers the possibility that Swain might not have done it and that's a part of why she's making the effort; To see if the truth is hiding there somewhere.
Everyone, without exception, should have compassion for Shelley's untimely end and her family. Equally, though, I believe it's appropriate to show some for David's friends and family even if you can't feel any for David himself. Either a guilty man has been sentenced to prison after a legitimate conviction and all is in balance, or a grave injustice has been done to a man who lost everything. In neither situation can I feel it is necessary to start flinging barbs at people who care about him as more than an abstract news story. If you want to be bitter about something, be bitter about the guy who probably did the same thing you believe of Swain to a young and inexperienced wife on their honeymoon and got off with a year and a half for being a bad dive buddy. Maybe that isn't interesting, though, since none of Gabe Watson's friends came to that thread to speak on his behalf.