Any of you out of staters know how California dive boat charters work? Might change your conclusions
A dive shop charters a boat and hires and brings the DMs along. Captain is there to drive the boat (yes, I know, ultimate responsibility lies with the captain, but DM responsibilities are delegated to the shop). DM is responsible for checking divers on and off the boat. DM informs the captain when all are on board. That is the way every boat DM is trained. That is the way it works. SHOULD that responsibility be delegated? I think so, but the fact is is that the DM -- who is not employed or associated with the boat other than through the shop that chartered it -- majorly screwed the pooch. Has it changed things? Not as recently as last weekend. SHop chartered the Great Escape, another good boat. SHop DMs did all the counting and informed the capt. when all were aboard.
On the other hand, if it is an open boat charter, the captain hires the DM and takes responsibility for that DM's actions.
This is a very good boat (in fact, as far as diving is concerned, the best in So Cal). WHat happened could have happened on any boat that that particular shop happened to charter on that particular day with that particular DM (who has, by the way NEVER suffered any penalty, unlike the capt. who did in fact have his license suspended by the coasties).
Making statements like that -- without knowing how boats work here and without knowing all of the facts (like the diver who fails to follow the dive plan and briefing), which I hope come out somehow -- are simple hyperbole.