there will be no reference to the case unless it goes to the appellant courts. with a settlement of this size, it is extremely likely the defendant will appeal. However, as is the case in most judgments of significant note, a settlement will be reached and the case will never be recorded in the reference books.
One could, however, look up the lawyer's name to get a history of cases he has taken before the appellant courts. From the article, it appears this was a federal case. Off hand, I am not certain what circuit Hawaii falls in.
As for the liability, no doubt it was the boat with no flag. The catamaran had no way of knowing a diver was down unless there was a flag. Even if the catamaran was held liable, the liability and fault would transfer to the dive boat for not flying a flag.
One could, however, look up the lawyer's name to get a history of cases he has taken before the appellant courts. From the article, it appears this was a federal case. Off hand, I am not certain what circuit Hawaii falls in.
As for the liability, no doubt it was the boat with no flag. The catamaran had no way of knowing a diver was down unless there was a flag. Even if the catamaran was held liable, the liability and fault would transfer to the dive boat for not flying a flag.