Dive w/o DM?

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.... it looks like I might be better off skipping diving for the 9 days I'll be there and just drive around in a Jeep looking at ruins.

The perception of the story has changed with that mention. Sounds like you're intending to base yourself out of Belize City or on the mainland.

Belize is this Central American country. Most people fly into Belize City or show up at the Cruise Ship Dock. If you "stay" there and try diving, you're in for a long daily ride and a lot of mooing.

Although (only) technically in the same country, the outlying Cayes of Belize is where the real diving takes place. Dedicated dive resorts, small boats, not to be missed.

Not so sure I would want to drive a vehicle anywhere on the mainland, for a lot of reasons.
The perception of the story has changed with that mention. Sounds like you're intending to base yourself out of Belize City or on the mainland.
I'd rather not. The GOAL of the trip was to spend as much time underwater as possible. If that is not possible, under acceptable conditions, then I'll just skip the diving entirely and do what my wife wants to do (which is drive around and look at ruins). I definitely don't want to drag all my crap down there some 4,000 miles and pay a lot of money just to be disappointed like I was in Cozumel.

If you "stay" there and try diving, you're in for a long daily ride and a lot of mooing.
Not my intention.

Although (only) technically in the same country, the outlying Cayes of Belize is where the real diving takes place. Dedicated dive resorts, small boats, not to be missed.
Was/is my intention.

Not so sure I would want to drive a vehicle anywhere on the mainland, for a lot of reasons.
Me either, but I have non-refundable plane tickets.
So why not hire a DM to dive entirely with you? Same boat but a more personalized service. Or pick a shop that only is going to have 4-6 divers on a boat with a 2nd divemaster. I'm sure that on Ambergris you can find your type of diving while at the same time, keeping your wife happy by making a trip to the mainland to see the Mayan ruins. Sounds a lot more fun than driving around in a Jeep on the mainland. I'd send Rudy Duran of Island Divers and email and see if he can accomodate you. :42: Ken
Belize City to Ambergris is easy and quick - water taxis leave regularly and you can opt for light aircraft transfer if you're flush with cash. I found the water taxi (speedboat) trip/s to be quite enjoyable.

I was working in Belize, and had no problem with impromptu get-aways to the Cayes at short notice. It was easy to source nice accommodation and arrange diving on arrival at the island. There's a dive shop every 50m along the beach. Of course, I expect availability will be dependant on the season - so 'spring break' may present more need for pre-planning/booking.

If PeterBJ is around, then you should contact him - I met him when I visited Belize and he ran a great operation. I don't know if he still runs a diving business there or not.

None of the dive operations/boats I visited were crowded (again, time of year may have dictated that) and all were friendly. Local Cayes reefs were enjoyable. I was given an insta-buddy for the dives, but that's ok with me. I just don't like cattle boats - but I didn't see that there.

The Blue Hole trip was nice - but I was very concerned about the fact that very inexperienced divers were nonchalantly taken on a dark, essentially bottom-less, 42+ meter dive. I didn't like being in that group, simply because I spent more time observing/supervising my fellow divers than I did enjoying the dive... on that occasion the DM seemed very negligent and unaware.

Likewise, I encountered no problems commuting/driving around Belize. I literally drove the length and breadth of the country (was helping the govt. there with the National Hurricane Disaster Plan). Belize City to San Ignacio is actually a very pleasant drive with decent roads. Be aware that inclement weather can severely effect that - but what else would you expect in a country that has a 'hurricane season'.

You can leisurely drive from Belize City to San Ignacio in a 1/2 day (115kms)... stopping in Belmopan for lunch, or at one of the nice eateries along the road elsewhere. My personal favourite stop-off was Cheers. It's on the highway and only 3 miles from Belize Zoo... which is quite possibly the best zoo I ever visited. Cheers do awesome Lime Juice punch... I was really addicted to those.

There are some great historical sites around San Ignacio, including Caracol, and the town has a lovely vibe. For accommodation, there is a bunch of lovely jungle/eco lodges, spas etc.

I managed to visit some more remote Mayan ruins when there, still being uncovered and studied by archaeologists. But wouldn't advise any drives that left the metalled roads and/or ventured into otherwise jungle/remote areas. Most of the drive from Belize to San Ignacio is through savannah terrain. Nearer the Guatemalan border the terrain changes to dense rainforest; not only are the remote roads dangerous, you're surrounded by primary jungle...and there is also a threat of banditry in isolated areas. I only visited those places because I was armed, accompanied by Belize military and driving one of the British Army's most robust (and subsequently battered) Landrovers... You really wouldn't want to expose a rental car to the sort of abuse my vehicle suffered driving in those areas!
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Driving in Belize isn't so bad. Just a few rule changes you have to wary of. Like, if a car is turning left in front of you, by Belize law, they pull to the right side and let all traffic pass before turning. But be careful with this. There are many American trained drivers here. If you're turning left, look behind you and see what the car or truck is doing. If the car in front is turning, see what he's doing. If he puts on his RIGHT signal and pulls to the side, he wants you to pass.
There is virtually no traffic here. But the drivers are not that educated so DRIVE DEFENSIVELY.

Diving....you may be able to stay at Tobacco or Southwater Cayes and do shorediving. You have to be careful though because both islands sit on fairly deep channels and the current gets strong with tide changes.

If you're coming for sure because of your ticket. just show up and check it out. Ask around, see what you want.
Sounds a lot more fun than driving around in a Jeep on the mainland.

Off topic: Gasp. Ken, there's almost nothing out there that would be more fun than driving around the mainland in a Jeep. My only regret every time I go is that I can't bring my Jeep with me. The whole country practically begs for a winch mounted 4-wheel drive in search of a dirt road.

Back to topic: I'm still not clear on where the OP is staying or has that not been decided yet? In any case, just find a dive op whose DM will leave you alone. Alaskans are an independent and hardy folk. I get that.
Same boat but a more personalized service.
I don't really want "perosnalized service". I want a boat ride to a good site, a dive briefing, and for the boat to be there when I surface. Pretty basic and undemanding.

FWIW, it is hard for me to think of any circumstance for any activity under which I would want a "guide" - not just when diving.
I don't really want "perosnalized service". I want a boat ride to a good site, a dive briefing, and for the boat to be there when I surface. Pretty basic and undemanding.

FWIW, it is hard for me to think of any circumstance for any activity under which I would want a "guide" - not just when diving.

Good luck, once you leave Alaska, you aren't in Alaska anymore. Every country has it's own customs and the diving will be no exception. You make the most of it by diving with the best dive op that suits the most of your criteria you find.

You said you were disappointed in Cozumel? I wish you luck diving around the world then.

Just hire a private DM on your trip to Belize and stop the whining already. Anybody who would choose to do something they can't stand to do such as going to ruins like you said instead of figuring out how to make the best of a great dive destination, to me is just looking to whine, and I can't believe the amount of people who have wasted their time with you on this thread already.
Good luck, once you leave Alaska, you aren't in Alaska anymore
Figure that one out all by yourself?

You said you were disappointed in Cozumel? I wish you luck diving around the world then.

Anybody who would choose to do something they can't stand to do such as going to ruins like you said....
At what time did I ever say that I could not stand to do things such as going to ruins? I'd love go to see the ruins....that doesn't mean I'm not at least somewhat wary of driving around in between such visits.
I'm not going to repeat what others have said. No, I'm no longer running my tech dive centre, but my recommendation in the San Pedro area on Ambergris Caye would be to dive with Island Divers. Once they know you and see what you can do they'll allow you a decent amount of slack. Do remember that all diving here is outside the barrier reef in effectively bottomless water with currents (generally not strong) and dives are generally conducted in a "drift" fashion. If you don't know the area then firstly you won't see most of the interesting things, and secondly you may put yourself in danger and others to a great deal of inconvenience.

If you want to stay in the SP area I can suggest accommodation if you give some details of what you require.

If you want a more secluded spot with diving tailored to your wishes you won't do much better than staying at and diving with Tranquility Bay, at the far northern end of Ambergris Caye, and a long way from the bustle of San Pedro. It's devoid of "night life" so no good if people in your party want that, but it's a very peaceful spot that's not at all isolated and which allows you to see the "real" Caribbean.

I will agree that I have usually been disappointed with the diving in the Cozumel/Playa/Cancun area. Maybe I just haven't been taken to decent spots, but the people I've dived with knew I ran a dive operation in Belize so should have been on their mettle. I also found it (the diving) markedly more expensive and less convenient - overall less professional - than Belize.

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