Hey everyone, Its been along time since I posted on here. Mostly because I haven't been diving lately, I blame college. Apperantly diving is not considered a valid excuse from my professors to skip class. So anyways I figured what the heck its my senior year and I hadn't gone anywhere for spring break so I decided what the heck why not enjoy the carribbian on spring break and diving all at the same time. I went on Blackbeards Cruises and it was great, lots of fun dives, the crew was great and I had a ball. Not to mention spending a couple of nights on shore at the Grand Bahamas and enjoying alittle bit of the spring break actions. Here's some photos to make you guys jealous www.huchowski.com please keep in mind that the site is in the very early stages of production so it looks pretty bad but the photo galleries came out really good. Hope to hear what you think about them. :bubble_fi