paperdesk:We're staying in one of the condos from Nov 27 to Dec 11. Maybe we'll see you there? This is our third trip south of Cancun (twice to Xcalac) and haven't done a cenote yet, so I guess it's high time. I'll try to get on in for sure this time.
Nope, I'll just miss you. We'll be coming over from Coz at some point in the day on the 11th. We're in Coz and Akumal a couple times a year each. In December we do a week in each. Love it. Cozumel diving is more advanced and the island is a fun, busy place. Then we head to Akumal for nice easy relaxed ocean diving, a couple days of cenotes and just total relaxation. It's the perfect trip right before the holidays season and another NY winter.
BTW, if you're staying in Unit C, feel free to leave any leftover cervesas in the fridge!