Dive Training Together?

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Reaction score
Paradsie NL
# of dives
500 - 999
Looking for a little advise from people who dive together.
Generally my husband starts a sport (generally that I love or I think would be great to do) and gets hooked. But I do nothing half way. I've just gotten a dry suit and qualified. and we're going for our Dive Master and TA certifications this winter but he seems reluctant. I hate to always be the one that wants these things and seeming to be pushing hime into it. Do I go for qualifications and let him decide on his own? That's pretty much the way I am tending to want go. I hate feeling that I might be pushing hime into something that he may not REALLY WANT to do.

Do any of you guys feel uncomfortable being the DRIVING FORCE behind mutual qualifications?


I hate feeling that I might be pushing hime into something that he may not REALLY WANT to do.


I think that sentence says it all. What would the benefit be in this? While you would know that his skills/training were equal to yours, the transition to a "professional" rating is not one to be taken lightly. It may imply a level of liability or responsibility he does not want if he never intends to teach.
I wonder why you are even considering "pushing" him into this?
If you want to continue "YOUR" training please continue.
He may be happy at his current level of training. If he is leave him alone on this.

It should not matter who holds a higher cert card. What should matter is that the two of you enjoy diving together. If you BOTH enjoy it dive as much as possible.

If you want/need more dive time than he does. Find another buddy to add to the dives you do together.

I have several dive buddies, some like to dive often and can be counted on to say yes everytime.
Others only like to dive once or twice a month. I always invite them but they know that they make the call.
NEVER NEVER push anyone to dive if they do not have the desire.
It's an individual thing. No reason to progress at the same rate. If anything that chases the less enthusiastic one away.
My spouse says he wants to work towards Dive Master but it's usually me pushing to lock in class dates, dive times, etc. For rescue I'm going to pick a date and if he comes he comes, if he doesn't that's fine too. I am not going to push or nag, he can attend at his own rate of interest.
That's kind of our situation. I tell him what I want to do but don't get an answer. I tell him when the class is but get an "Uh huh" then when I go to register he seems surprised that I'm doing the course. I hate the feeling that reminding him gives. I don't want to push or feel like I'm pushing even if I am told I'm not. Just remember it and tell me if you want to do the course or not.

Luckily we are the same type of person and in most things we are qualified to the same level and work well together, playing off each other's strengths. If I can't do something I let hime know and he can/will/does take over. I would do the same but that situation has yet to arise in our activities.

Just for the clarification of those who do not read and understand well. (See above) I said I hate the FEELING that I MIGHT be pushing. I didn't say IHATED HAVING TO PUSH. There is a difference between the two expressions I feel that reminding is too much like pushing but if I don'y at least remind when I'm booking a course I get the "Why didn't you tell me?"

We are much in the same boat Sue, mine continually gets the "what are you talking about?" look on his face about these things. This time I signed us up with the trainer for the rescue swim course on dates that I knew shouldn't conflict with any other event. I sent him an Outlook Meeting Invitation for all the scheduled dates, and I will even be so nice as to clean, pack, and organize his gear the days of the events. I guess I have to make my peace with the fact this might be his personality.
Well at least my guy packs and loads our gear when it comes right down to the "I've paid for us to do this" and I (I'd say like you) checked that there are no problems with scheduling for either of us. But I guess I'm having a hard time coming to terms with making my peace with the personality thing. I guess we should count ourselves lucky that when it comes right down to it we have signidficant others that really are as interested in what we like to do as we are.

If not as organized and ready to plan for it.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one in this boat (heh - sorry). My husband did the OW with me after two years of hearing me talk about how much I loved our 'Intro to Scuba' (or whatever it's called) experience. I wouldn't say I pushed him, but I would also say that he wouldn't have done it if he wasn't attached to me. He enjoyed the experience, but he’s clearly not obsessed like me.

I've definitely decided I’m not going to push him to do any more certs (and I don’t think he will) and he doesn’t have any interest in doing cold water dives, which limits our diving together, being in Ontario and all. That’s fine, I’ll manage to dig up some local dive buddies (maybe through this board) but the bummer is that he’s already more of an air pig then I am and if I’m doing a lot more diving, that will probably get more pronounced. I’m going to have to keep reminding myself when we do dive together that I can’t get impatient when he’s at 500 bar and I’m still somewhere around 1500 – argh! (Good thing he doesn't read this board...)

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