socaldiver once bubbled...
I especially find no problem with Natasha doing what she is doing, other than the bad timingon her scheduled events vs my available time.
I see a problem with anyone, regulator or otherwise, commercially profitting from this board, if the board is advertised as "not being that kind of forum." If you want to be fair, one person, or a group of persons, can not pick and choose who they think will treat people fair & who will not. If you give everyone the same chance, you will get some less than honest people in the mix. You could give these people the boot once they have been found to be less than honest but someone will have to get screwed for you to find that out.
I don't know if anyone currently on the board is profitting from it and i personally don't care but if you want to be fair and provide equal opportunity to all, IMO you can not exclude anyone, you don't have previous knowledge of dishonest behavior on, from the board. Since the people running this board seem to be people with integrity, i'm sure they have discussed this may times.
Since i'm a use tax kinda guy, and i suspect this won't be a popular opinion, i think the best way to pay for this board, without letting the commercial sharks take it over, would be to charge an annual use fee to each member. :boom: (now in my best duck & cover position, so fire away all!)
Seriously, we all derive some benefit from this board, knowledge, entertainment, etc, so why not? I realize the creators of the board probably want to provide a no cost service but i for one would rather pay an annual fee than get bombed with scuba spam and dive advertising.