I agree that the bickering really should cease. Sheesh!
As far as Trip Advisor, I've found it useful and sometimes entertaining but would never solely rely on it as it's obviously subject to abuse. In fact, when I'm looking for a place to stay and especially when looking for a dive op, I'd much rather come to a board like this and ask around for recommendations. Then I check that information against prior posts on the board as well as sites like Undercurrent and Trip Advisor.
I did that last year when we went to Oahu. Worked great, hooked up with a super DM, Gabe, actually an instructor but I didn't need instructing so for my purposes he was a DM. I got some recommendations on the ScubaBoard Hawaii forum, ran him through the above vetting process and could not have been happier with the result.
I'm not interested, and I think the vast majority of us on the sidelines aren't interested, in a bunch of verbal bashing by those in the game. We don't know who to believe but more importantly we don't care. We're just here to find and/or share information about staying and diving in Belize.
Speaking of which, we fly out in 11 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours and 15 minutes.