Dive Operators in Cozumel

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Reaction score
Austin, Texas
# of dives
50 - 99
Okay, so this is my first post...be gentle. I researched the board as much as I could and didn't really find anything, so here is my question.

My son and I are heading to Cozumel in a couple of weeks and wanted to know the scoop on the dive outfits there. We are using Xtabay. Any feedback on them or other operators on the island?:shark:
Hey, welcome to the board. Your first post of hopefully many... A word of advice, use the search tool for plenty of info- there is a ton of it here. Many questions you have are just about guaranteed to be already asked by many. I used the board to find out so much about Cozumel that I felt like I had already been there.

We used Dive Paradise and we thought they were great! If you are a newer diver, I think the large boats were fun (you meet a lot of interesting people). The smaller boats (6 packs) will get you to the site much faster. Enjoy! We are having a lot of trouble deciding on going somewhere else for our next trip... I want to go back
Welcome to the Board. I've never used the dive operation you mentioned. I've used were quite a few of the operations in Cozumel. Aldora being the most expensive and Dive with Marteen [sic] the cheapest. Though the spread wasn't that much. Aldora used to have the best service on the Island but not lately. I've moved to Liquid Blue almost exclusively and been very happy with the service. Enjoy your trip!
I've used Dive Paradise, Dive House at Fiesta Americana, and Dive Palancar at Allegro. I was very pleased with each of them. Dive House seemed to be a bit more restrictive in trying to keep us grouped up, which isn't all bad, but it can crowd things a bit. Dive Palancar gave up a bit more flexibilty, within limits, after they got saw our diving skills and experience. Most of the good ones you'll know about. The bad ones you'll hear about often.
Cozumel is simply fantastic in my book. Not fancy, but great diving, nice people, and inexpensive.

Check out my favorite operator Aldora Divers at www.aldora.com. They offer 100 and 120 cu ft steel tanks for longer dives, small groups (usually 6 or less) for high quality personal attention, and very experienced, safe dive leaders. Ask for Bill "Memo" LaRosa: over 30 years diving and quite interested in making sure you and your son will have safe, fun, and educational dives. I've never had a bad dive with Aldora (over more dives than I can count).

Best wishes for a trip that exceeds your expectations. Dive safe.
Hey, I think I'm in heaven!

You guys have been a great help. This board takes allot of the worry and hassle out of play for a first timer.
GUEdiver once bubbled...
Cozumel is simply fantastic in my book. Not fancy, but great diving, nice people, and inexpensive.

Check out my favorite operator Aldora Divers at www.aldora.com. They offer 100 and 120 cu ft steel tanks for longer dives, small groups (usually 6 or less) for high quality personal attention, and very experienced, safe dive leaders. Ask for Bill "Memo" LaRosa: over 30 years diving and quite interested in making sure you and your son will have safe, fun, and educational dives. I've never had a bad dive with Aldora (over more dives than I can count).

Best wishes for a trip that exceeds your expectations. Dive safe.

I second GUEdiver's suggestion of Aldora..........Tim..........I know your out there and you'll put your .02's worth in for Aldora as well.
Since an inquiry about Cozumel more appropriately falls under the Mexico than Caribbean forum, I've taken the liberty of moving it here.

I second Sharkman's suggestion of an archive search. They are quite voluminous on this particular topiic.

Best regards.

Take a look at www.travelnotes.cc/cozumel/links/di...ws/general.html

Its a good website with reviews of many dive operators in Cozumel. There are many good operators in Cozumel, some of which have been mentioned above. I pesonally favor small boats and use Christi at www.bluextseadiving.com Both Christi and her dive master Raul are awesome. I believe the level of service you will receive from them is above all other operators on the island. Good luck and have fun.
I took my son down to Coz for his first dive vacation in May. I used Alison Dennis (www.scubawithalison.com) and was very pleased with the personal attention that she gave. I have dived with her 2 other times on my own and also impressed.

Rich Hagelin

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