thepurplehammerhead:Coron is spectacularly dull - don't expect that's changed. Hope they've stopped slaughtering pigs at daybreak. Pig squeals when you're trying to sleep=:shakehead
Oh, I forgot about that. I was staying at that cheap lodge on the pier when I was there. 3:30 in the morning the squealing pigs woke me up

Looking at my logs, I dived the most on the Irako-110ft and Okikawa-85ft. They both were noted as most covered in coral growth. Of course I only had 30 dives when I went to Coron and it was my first warm water trip so I think I would have been happy diving no matter what the conditions. The Akitsushima is nice because as a seaplane tender it has a large crane structure to check out on the bottom but then the bottom is at about 119ft too. You can penetrate the Taiei at the propeller shaft and then into the cargo holds - it's more shallow too at 79 feet.