I rarely post on scuba board, but do enjoy listening to the speculation and bickering. I myself am a dive professional from the Key Largo area. I was personally involved with two failed rescues. Sometimes you can do everything right and still the inevitable happens. What I can say is that it would be helpful if there was somewhere to go to get facts. Second-guessing and finger pointing seems to be the theme of the accidents and incidents threads. In my experience, many times we will discourage divers from going out in heavy seas, but they have the "I'm on vacation" attitude. When your dive shop says the conditions are not good STAY ON SHORE if you are not an experienced diver prepared to take the greatest risk of all. We dive professionals will do everything in our power to save one of you in the dive community at large, but all we can do is try. 6-8 foot seas might be impossible for some and not a good idea for many. However, I have dove comfortably in 10-14', always knowing that the risk I was taking was my own. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to vent. My codolences to friends and family of this diver, and all divers who have been lost.