Habitat may meet your needs right now as they are ofering a dive pkg from around $440. for a week. Room, shore diving, and 6 boat dives. We like the 1 br bungalow because we can do some cooking with the minimal tools they provide. There are only 2 of these units and they are right behind the dive shop.........
I got a quote from Habitat but it was a LOT more than $440! We were getting $600+ and that does not include a truck.
We're leaning toward the Hut or Caribbean Club. If we go CC is the extra $$ worth it for a 1br cottage vs a studio? Also, having Oil Slick as the 'house reef' sounds cool and being on the Buddy Dive roster seems great as well. What are the 'local' dives from the Hut?
You have all been very helpful! Thanks!