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The Lorax for the Kelp Forest
Scuba Legend
Rest in Peace
Reaction score
Santa Catalina Island, CA
# of dives
2500 - 4999

As many of you know, the effort to establish new marine protected areas (MPAs) in California waters and especially around Catalina has been an interest of mine for decades. My 700+ page Ph.D. dissertation focused almost entirely on the issues related to long-term analysis of giant kelp beds as a means of identifying good regions for such designation. I was pleased to learn earlier this year that a much short paper I wrote based on that work, and published in an international journal back in 1997 received a high honor. It was selected by a group of marine scientist as one of several papers to recommend to NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco as the federal government gears up for its own process of identifying MPAs at the national level.

I won't elaborate much on the need for marine reserves here. I've done that in a number of other columns. I won't even go into all four of the proposed maps for southern California that will be considered by California's Fish & Game Commission (FGC) at its meeting in Los Angeles this week (Dec 9th and 10th). I thought I'd simply focus on one, the IPA or Integrated Preferred Alternative that was cobbled together by the Blue Ribbon Task Force (BRTF) at their meeting last month.

At their meeting the BRTF reviewed the three existing maps put together by the working groups of members from the SCRSG (South Coast Regional Stakeholders Group). The SCRSG members had worked much of the year to come up with maps that would provide options for protecting our region's marine life. I was anxious to see how the BRTF would address the three maps and come up with the IPA they were charged with producing from those maps. Are you confused yet? Don't worry... I've been, too. It's a complex process involving many "deciders." Of course the strangest part of the process to me is that the Marine Life Protection Act of 1999 (MLPA) was supposed to be a science-driven process, yet the only truly scientific group was the Science Advisory Team (SAT, not to be confused with the college board exam). As you can tell, the science people were not "deciders," but just "advisors." I guess this is why I've never become involved in politics... it makes little sense to me.

I tried to follow the BRTF's meeting in November on-line. I must admit I was "slightly" distracted when the lovely Mia from Manila Skyped me in the middle of that, but one can't live by science alone! As the meeting drew to a close, the BRTF started making what seemed like a series of rapid fire decisions for its own IPA map that involved little discussion and often seemed to contradict the science itself. I grew even more confused (and based on feedback afterwards, I wasn't alone). The BRTF, a group consisting largely of public policy types, seemed to be consistent in one thing... they let economics and politics trump science. Undoubtedly the State's rotten economic condition played a big role, but these are decisions for the long haul that affect our grandchildren, not just for the short-term.

The ultimate "deciders" will be the California FGC which will have reviewed these maps the week this column comes out. I am hopeful that the Commission will look towards the SAT, that advisory group of scientists, for some input in evaluating their options. After all, a process that was supposed to be science driven should have some strong science in the actual decision making process.

Let's take a look at the BRTF's IPA map and see how it might impact Catalina if chosen. The map included shows two classes of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), full State Marine Reserves (SMRs) in which take is excluded except for the purpose of scientific research and monitoring, and State Marine Conservation Areas (SMCAs) where the ecosystem is largely protected but certain types of fishing are permitted.

Looking at our Island's leeward coast, we start with the SMCA from Arrow Point to Lion's Head Point that is essentially the existing West End Marine Invertebrate Reserve. Just past Two Harbors we see the SMR at USC that has been extended to include Sea Fan Grotto down to about Ripper's Cove. Fortunately the seaward boundary of this SMR was NOT extended all the way to the 3-mile limit and instead there is an SMCA in the outer waters that will permit fishing for pelagics. The Long Point SMR will offer protection for the giant sea bass in the region of Italian Gardens as well as some deep water habitats. Its boundary also does not extend to the 3-mile limit, and thus allows for pelagic fishing that might otherwise have been unnecessarily restricted. At the Avalon end of the island, the Casino Point Dive Park would finally receive official sanction as a fully protected reserve, and Lover's Cove would remain a SMCA. Neither of these sites are large enough to constitute good reserves ecologically, nor are they well placed to enhance the network of MPAs. However, they do offer good educational opportunities.

Our windward coast is quite different from the leeward coast ecologically. The submarine slope is shallower, the water tends to be a bit cooler and more turbid, wave energy is higher and solar illumination patterns are quite different. Yet on this coast the BRTF chose to create no true reserves, and gave SMCA status only to Cat Harbor and "Farnsworth Bank." While Farnsworth needs some good protection due to its unique marine ecosystem, the coastal stretch in the area of China Point represents one of the most poorly placed MPAs I've seen in any of the proposals. Currents sweep past this coastal region and off into open water for the most part. Any eggs, larvae or adults that "spill over" from this semi-protected area will most likely be "lost at sea," and thus benefit neither anglers nor the local ecosystem. In my educated and not-so-humble opinion (at least on this), it would have been far better scientifically to protect the coastline inside the "Bight" in this region, perhaps at least to Salta Verde Point. Of course politics and the economy entered into the fray here and commercial squid harvesting won out.

Just before submitting this column for publication, I received a copy of an analysis of the BRTF's IPA map. It looked at each MPA relative to the amount of ecological biomass it would protect. In almost every case, the IPA protected the least possible biomass. This offers one good objective (scientific) assessment of the BRTF's IPA map. In essence that map fails on the science. In fact, none of the four maps even meets the minimum suggested protection level... 20% of the coast... recommended by scientists familiar with marine reserve design.

A while back Rock Gosselin wrote in "another local newspaper" regarding his opinion on the MLPA process. Rock and I have had some very good natured discussions on the subject, and I have learned from him and other anglers. I totally agree with Rock that the use of large numbers of school children to press the conservation side of the debate at the BRTF meeting was inappropriate. I rather doubt any of the youngsters had a real grasp of the issues involved, even though they will be beneficiaries of the process. However I wish to add that actions by the pro-fishing groups have included young children, although certainly not to that degree.

More importantly, the tactics of some (a vocal minority) in the fishing community have been absolutely inexcusable. I'm referring to threats and physical violence against pro-conservation individuals. The worst case involves fishers spitting on an individual who may well be the most qualified scientist to talk about kelp forest ecology. His extremely knowledgeable voice was driven outside the process by totally inexcusable behavior (and I'm sure Rock and I agree on this as well). There were other threats of physical violence, as well as actual incidents of vandalism by members of pro-fishing groups. There is substantial opinion that much of this was fostered by drinking prior to the meetings (both alcohol and "Kool Aid"). I'm not aware of anything like this initiated by the conservation side. The fact that this type of behavior has become more common, not only in this process but also in Sacramento, the U.S. Congress and the society at large is deplorable. We have become so polarized, we now see ourselves as members of factions rather than as members of a nation.

Certainly this is a hot button subject with people taking passionate stands at all ends of the debate. When will we as a country regain a sense of civility? When will we as a country regain the long-term perspective that dominated "the Greatest Generation?" I watched my parents and their friends work hard, and sacrifice short term benefits to build a society ravaged by two long wars requiring great sacrifice on their part. They created wonderful communities and institutions for kids like me to grow up on. Today it seems far too many are focused on the short-term and what benefits them here and now. This extends from Wall Street to people walking on our streets (especially 6-8 abreast, leaving no room for foot traffic in the opposite direction). We will never regain our greatness until we realize we have to think in long-term ways... to ensure that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be able to enjoy our island waters whether they are non-take divers like myself or occasional hunters like my son and many of my friends.

Image caption: The Blue Ribbon Task Force's (BRTF) Integrated Preferred Alternative (IPA) Map for Catalina showing State Marine Reserves in red and State Marine Conservation Areas in darker blue.

Here's a letter I wrote to the California Fish & Game commission:

Dear Commissioners,

I have been a resident of the State of California for 40 years. During that time much of my work as a research biologist has been focused on the subjects of kelp forest ecology, marine biogeography and ecological considerations for marine reserve design. One of my research papers on marine reserves has been recommended by a committee of scientists to NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco for incorporation into the upcoming federal process of establishing MPAs. I am also an educator who has taught at high school and university levels, worked on documentaries with the likes of the Cousteaus and Dr. Guy Harvey, produced about 150 episodes for two cable television shows and written a well-received weekly newspaper column on marine life and ecology.

First, let me say that I have been a supporter of the MLPA since it was initially passed in 1999 and was involved in proposals submitted to various state legislators prior to that. I think the creation of marine reserves is a management step that is long overdue and I welcome the fact that the Fish & Game Commission is about to review the various proposals put before it.

Based largely on my knowledge of the waters around Santa Catalina Island, I would opt for Map 3. However, I will readily admit that my knowledge of mainland areas is not sufficient for me to comment on their specific geographies and ecological qualities. My specific intent with this submission is to discuss the Integrated Preferred Alternative map and the process whereby the Blue Ribbon Task Force arrived at that particular network configuration.

Although I could not attend the BRTF's November meeting in person, I did try to follow it via on-line video. Towards the end of the meeting the pace of the decision making seemed to speed up to the point where it was very difficult to follow, especially since the video stream was not updating properly and all I could base my understanding on was the audio portion. The BRTF seemed to be making rapid fire decisions with little discussion to create a map to submit along with the three developed by the Stakeholder's groups over a period of nearly a year. The decisions being made did not seem to follow scientific guidelines, and in fact seemed to be dominated by economic factors rather than the best available science as specified in the MLPA itself.

Back in 1999, I was very hopeful that the MLPA would result in a network of marine protected areas that would place the State of California in the vanguard of marine protection in the United States. We are already well behind a number of "lesser developed" countries in making this move and, in m opinion it is long overdue. Over the past 160 years of our State's history, we have seen increasing numbers of people coming to our State and pursuing a largely shrinking "resource" base. This has been especially true following World War II when our population, especially here in southern California, started increasingly exponentially. Having millions more residents going after declining stocks of many species of fish has led to a cumulative effect of overfishing many of these species.

Although not a lot of scientific evidence is available from a century ago, the descriptions of great anglers like Dr. Charles Frederick Holder and Zane Grey describe fish stocks that were far more numerous than today and species that were common then, but rare today. As far back as 1913, Dr. Holder and the members of The Tuna Club worked with State legislators to get a marine reserve designated extending to the 3-mile boundary around Santa Catalina Island. This did not restrict recreational fishing to any significant degree, but focused on the already aggressive commercial fisheries in our waters. Unfortunately, lobbying by the commercial industry led to the evocation of that initial reserve.

Today, we are faced with two seemingly conflicting factors. One is the (hopefully) short-term state of the economy in California. Indeed it is affecting almost everyone, including anglers and those who make a living by studying the ecology of our waters or educating the public about the subject. Anglers and commercial fishers suggest that marine reserves will put them out of business in such poor economic times. I'd like to suggest it is the long-term cumulative effects of over fishing, dating back a century or more, that will put them out of business... not marine reserves which may indeed resurrect stocks that they will be able to fish as spillover.

This unfortunate economic state is most likely short-term in nature compared to what should be the long-term goals of the MLPA. We are at a critical point in determining the future of the waters off our state. We need to think in terms of our grandchildren... and those who will follow us in 100 years. What will they say about the decisions you as the Commission will make this year? Will the decision be to buckle to short-term economic interests, or long term environmental ones that should also ensure a better economy in the future?

I have mentioned what I think was a decision making process by the BRTF last month dominated by the short-term interests rather than the long-term. The BRTF is largely composed of public policy people rather than individuals well versed in the history of this issue and the ecological state of our waters and marine ecosystems today. Personally, I find it strange and contradictory that a process like the MLPA which was supposed to be largely based on science has its decisions made by groups who are not scientifically trained. The SAT is only an advisory body, yet it should be included among the "deciders" in this process in my opinion.

I will use my home waters of Catalina as an example of what I am talking about. In the Integrated Preferred Alternative (IPA) map, the protected areas on the leeward side of Catalina are reasonably well designed for maximum ecological benefit. I would prefer larger reserves, but am also thankful that the boundaries do not extend out to the 3-mile limit and that the educational value of the Casino Point Dive Park has been recognized and protection suggested for it.

However, the windward side is a completely different situation. Here there is not a single marine reserve suggested, only two State Marine Conservation Areas. I don't see high value in the Cat Harbor designation, and the extension of the Farnsworth Bank one to the island's coastline creates a highly questionable protected area. It is located at the widest point on the island, where currents are likely to sweep any eggs, larvae and fish that spillover out into the open ocean where they will not benefit the region's ecosystems or anglers in the adjacent areas. This region should have its boundaries extended well into the indented coastline south of China Point where spillover is more likely to be transported by the nearshore current component and retained along the island coastline. Such a southward extension would also offer some protection against the commercial squid fishery that extracts a great deal of potential food for many of our local species including game fish like the white sea bass and our highly prized giant sea bass.

My evaluation of the BRTF's decision making has been reinforced by others, several of whom were members of the Stakeholder's group in this process. It is further substantiated by an analysis I reviewed recently of the biomass protected by each of the four map geographies you will be considering. In almost every case, the geography created by the BRTF protected the least amount of biomass. As a marine ecologist, this seems incredibly inconsistent with a science-driven process, and with the goal of protected areas to be productive and create spillover into adjacent waters.

Although I am currently a "no take" SCUBA diver, having stopped all personal fishing and hunting activities back in 1975, I am not against fishing or hunting... just over harvesting beyond the level of reasonable sustainability. In fact, I formerly had a part interest in a commercial salmon boat out of Fort Bragg and have hunted and fished for food when a younger man. I have friends who hunt and fish, often sharing their catch with me. I have written the MLPA Initiative about issues that I felt were unfair towards fishermen. For example, I saw no reason to extend marine reserves around the island out to the 3-mile limit as the area would encompass much deeper waters off our leeward coast than most areas on the mainland. I felt these areas should be open for the fishing of pelagics, which will be relatively unaffected by the nearshore reserves.

I am writing the Commission today to ask that you place a much higher weight on the counsel from the Scientific Advisory Team, and the long term benefits of a well designed MPA network both for the health of our marine ecosystems, and the improved fish stocks they should create in adjacent unprotected areas through "spillover." While many in our State are hurting due to the current poor economy, it should not be a major criterion to influence the long-term goals of the MLPA process. We must stop thinking of short-term gains at the expense of long-term stability like some of those on Wall Street (and in the general public) recently. As a State and as a country, we need to return to the long-term thinking that will help ensure both ecological and economic health over the long-term.

I thank the Commission for their time and for their work on behalf of the residents of our State. I hope in your wisdom you will seek expanded input from the SAT in your decision making process, and ensure that my grandchild, arriving next May, has the option to decide whether to be a "no take" underwater videographer and scientist like me... or an occasional hunter like his father. By ensuring good ecological health, that option will remain open for future generations.


Dr. William Bushing
Marine Ecologist and Educator
Dr. Bill, thanks for your work!

It amazes me that people can't work towards solutions that have real long term benefits. I wonder why it is so rare to find folks who can look and see that conservation doesn't have to mean the end of fishing, drilling, etc. and that fishing, drilling, etc. doesn't have to mean the end of conservation.

Thanks again Dr. Bill!

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