Dive, Dive, Dive Locations other than Bonaire and Roatan

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Corpus Christi, TX
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100 - 199
Are there any other locations in the Caribbean that offer dive, dive, dive, type trips other than Bonaire and Roatan for a reasonable amount of money? Luxurious amenities and topside attractions not required. Looking for upwards of 22 dives in a 6 day period.
I can understand referring to Bonaire, with its unlimited shore diving as "dive dive dive," but why include Roatan? Are you thinking of CocoView, which is a resort that happens to have a highly regarded shore diving site? Most diving on Roatan is not shore diving. Is what you are really trying to ask whether there are other Caribbean locations that offer substantial shore diving?
I can understand referring to Bonaire, with its unlimited shore diving as "dive dive dive," but why include Roatan? Are you thinking of CocoView, which is a resort that happens to have a highly regarded shore diving site? Most diving on Roatan is not shore diving. Is what you are really trying to ask whether there are other Caribbean locations that offer substantial shore diving?

Yes, exactly Coco view. I have a trip there late 2017 with the family. I should have specified CCV because I know the others aren't the same. Yes, shore diving to add to boat dives if necessary, but mainly high volume diving that fits in a week. Doing 2 boat dives and calling it a day don't appeal to me. Although I will be going to LCBR sometime with the 3 a day deal.
I see. Man, I wish I knew the answer (and I suspect this question has been asked before). Great shore diving is hard to find. From all I have read on SB and in magazines, Bonaire is as good as it gets for Caribbean shore diving. Lots of Caribbean resorts claim to have shore diving to supplement their boat diving, but I don't recall hearing anyone rave about the shore dives.

That said, 22 dives in six days is not uncommon. But trying to get in more than that is rare, and maybe even asking for trouble. I suppose there are places where you can do two 2-tank boat dives every day on your 6-day trip, but I would be worn out (if not bent) without a break from that routine in there somewhere.

Good luck finding what you're looking for.
I see. Man, I wish I knew the answer (and I suspect this question has been asked before). Great shore diving is hard to find. From all I have read on SB and in magazines, Bonaire is as good as it gets for Caribbean shore diving. Lots of Caribbean resorts claim to have shore diving to supplement their boat diving, but I don't recall hearing anyone rave about the shore dives.

That said, 22 dives in six days is not uncommon. But trying to get in more than that is rare, and maybe even asking for trouble. I suppose there are places where you can do two 2-tank boat dives every day on your 6-day trip, but I would be worn out (if not bent) without a break from that routine in there somewhere.

Good luck finding what you're looking for.

I don't think four-a-day is excessive, depending on the profile. Four dives off Bonaire, where you can easily have a wonderful dive in 40-60' isn't going to result in a great deal of nitrogen loading. Especially if you dive nitrox.

I'm talking shore dives, of course. Or a liveaboard. We did 10 days of 4-tanks from Cancun one time, and by the end of the trip we were worn out.

Consider Curacao. It's just like Bonaire, but with less divers. We like Mark & Suzi at the Dive Bus there. They can hook you up with tanks and a map, or take you on guided trips.
If you want to "Eat, Sleep, and Dive" then nothing beats a liveaboard dive trip! you can easily do 4 to 5 dives a day on most liveaboards.

They may seem expensive at first glance but when you calculate the "cost per dive" they are usually a bargain as compared to a land-based dive op. Consider that the price includes the total costs of living, eating, and diving (and sometimes drinking!) versus the large number of dives that you can do - and they can work out to be pretty cheap!

Are you committed someplace for Christmas week? The Turks and Caicos Aggressor is offering $800 off that week. I was on that boat and 2 years ago and it was a great experience and the diving was fantastic. Beautiful healthy walls and sharks on almost every dive. A liveaboard is especially because you cannot easily access the best Turks and Caicos dive sites from land-based operations. See below:

Save $800 - Turks & Caicos Aggressor II

Why not spend Christmas diving the Turks & Caicos islands while saving $800 at the same time. Book a new reservation starting Sept 27, 2015 for the following week:
December 19 - 26, 2015 SAVE $800

- money saving specials and promotions do not apply.
I don't think four-a-day is excessive, depending on the profile. Four dives off Bonaire, where you can easily have a wonderful dive in 40-60' isn't going to result in a great deal of nitrogen loading. Especially if you dive nitrox. . . .

I agree. I was referring to two 2-tank boat dives per day for six days--I tried it for fewer days than that in Cozumel, and it was a lot for me. I was exhausted. On Bonaire, you bet we do four dives a day! Liveaboards, too! For me, I would factor in things like how "valet" the service is. If I have to haul gear to and from a boat, walk off somewhere for lunch, then return to the boat with my gear, that's going to wear on me fast. It works on Bonaire because we're on our own schedule: first dive is often before some of my housemates are even out of bed, and last dive is a night dive.
Turks and Caicos liveaboard on Explorer II
Kathy V, I have a liveaboard trip to the Red Sea next summer so I am open to liveaboards. For caribbean diving the Aggressor fleet seems really expensive especially when you factor in airfare. The one I did look at was Lost Island Voyages in the Bahamas which is supposed to be a step up from Blackbeards. I'm not sure the wife would go for Blackbeards.

---------- Post added October 22nd, 2015 at 04:06 PM ----------

Turks and Caicos liveaboard on Explorer II

Way outside the budget since it would be for three of us. That might reach 10k with air.
Kathy V, I have a liveaboard trip to the Red Sea next summer so I am open to liveaboards. For caribbean diving the Aggressor fleet seems really expensive especially when you factor in airfare. The one I did look at was Lost Island Voyages in the Bahamas which is supposed to be a step up from Blackbeards. I'm not sure the wife would go for Blackbeards...

I'm a wife and I would NOT go for Blackbeards! I did it once and it was an adventure and I don't regret it but I am not going back! Your wife sounds smarter than me!

Sometimes you can get a good deal on a liveaboard - Aggressor or other operators - I have been on a a number of liveaboards and I have never paid full price. And after you take one trip with a line you often qualify for "repeat customer" specials. (I've never paid full price for purses either - and I've got some great bags!)

I have been on a Dancer boat and an Aggressor boat in the Turks and Caicos (and I would happily board the Explorer TCI boat!) and I think they were a great value. Some of the best diving in the Caribbean IMO and lots of it!

The Explorer line often offers good specials (we did a great trip to Saba with them) but be careful; they sometimes list the "extra expenses" like "fuel surcharges" separately while the Aggressor may roll it all up. So the Explorer may seem cheaper but they are just about the same price - unless you get a "Special". They are both very good liveaboard operators.

I am a big fan of the Caymans, and I am heading to Grand Cayman and Little Cayman soon and staying in land-based accommodations. I think this will be our 7th trip to the Caymans and we love it and I look forward to a great trip and great diving - but the most/best diving we have ever done in the Caymans (so far!) was on the Cayman Aggressor. We got to dive the best sites off of all 3 islands and we did a whole lot of diving!

But we had perfect weather. The flip side is that it can be rather miserable to be stuck on a boat during bad weather - or if you get sick with ear problems. In those cases I would rather be on shore and enjoying drinks decorated with little umbrellas. Nothing is certain! Have fun!

---------- Post added October 22nd, 2015 at 01:43 PM ----------

I just thought of another site that you might want to check out. The diving in St. Croix is very nice - typical Caribbean diving - but the Fredricksted Pier shore dive is one of our top dive experiences (and it is cheap and easy and you can do it over and over and see lots of cool stuff!) You can't dive the pier when Cruise ships are in port, but it is wonderful diving when you can get it!

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