Kittery ME.
Pisquatica River
Awesome Viz.. 30+
i have no clue what the temp was.... but the water was awesome,
i saw this little fish. looked kinda like a pufferish kinda fish. very small
ill see if i can get the a still outa the video and post it.
and we had a littloe current by the end of the dive
about 4 hours in the water...
i wanted to stay there all day it was nice.
Pisquatica River
Awesome Viz.. 30+
i have no clue what the temp was.... but the water was awesome,
i saw this little fish. looked kinda like a pufferish kinda fish. very small
ill see if i can get the a still outa the video and post it.
and we had a littloe current by the end of the dive
about 4 hours in the water...
i wanted to stay there all day it was nice.