Thanks for the responses. I was kinda holding my breath for an answer I didn't expect to see. Still holding. :11doh: I figured Hatteras was better, but not having dove off Nags Head area before, I didn't want to guess. I live 30 miles west of Norfolk and was also hoping for a shorter drive to some good vis and temps off Nags Head. The wifey is an 80/80 diver (80 degrees, 80 ft vis) and there's no chance she'll bite on less. I suppose we'll be planning a trip to Hatteras. We've done wrecks out of Atlantic Beach, which was an OK drive. Been a while since I've seen Hatteras, so we'll shorten the car ride a bit, but keep the boat ride long. I'll bring a book or sleep. I imagine there will be more dive slots available after Labor Day, so we'll do something after then but before October. Thanks again guys.