Dive Condition Reports

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Lake Tenkiller, Oklahoma
Scuba Park Area and Crappie Point
August 1st and 2nd 2009
Water Temp was mid 80's at the surface and mid 60s at 75ft
Visibility was 2-5ft from surface to 40ft and 10-15ft from 40ft to 75ft of depth
Forgot to post this after last weekend so I wanted to make sure I did. Went to Windy Point this past Sunday. I know the lake levels are down and it is hard to get to the water with doubles but it is well worth it right now. The vis is at least 15-20 feet at 123. Had a great hour and a half dive. I was trying out my new Helo2 mixed gas computer and my buddy and I went into the trees and had just a great refreshing dive....

Great dives this AM w/Lake Travis Scuba!

Shaker Plant - Went along the wall, then turned at random time and finally came across the concrete structures, monolith, and some others. Lots of random piles of metal, lumber, etc. Really cool to see that stuff, last time on this site we didn't see any of it.
Max depth 82, though most of the stuff was shallower. Temps High 80s down to upper 70.
Vis was really good for travis, 10-20 in some places! Quite a surprise.

Oasis Wall
Finally found the stallagties that I have missed finding the previous times at this site. Stayed around 45-50' playing in the grottos and snooping around looking for stuff. Picked up some old beer cans, and one I tried to crush exploded into hundreds of pices, like a halogen bulb... never have seen that happen before.
Temp same, high 80-high 70, dependong on depth.
Vis 5-15 or so, maybe a bit more.

Really great fun and awesome travis diving today, so much fun that I'm headed back tomorrow...so much for sleeping in on the weekends, huh?
Comal River
Air Temp: 95
Water Temp: 77*
Viz: 2-10'
Max Depth: 11'

IMPORTANT NOTE: For those who normally do the "horseshoe" dive (Lincoln St. bridge to the last public exit, ideal when in one car) be aware that it is now illegal to park ANYWHERE on Lincoln St. You have to park in the residential section on the other side of the bridge. There is a small 15 minute loading area midway down the street on the Schlitterbahn side if you don't want to hike over 1/3 of a mile (not exaggerating) with your gear after the dive.
CSSP- 8/8-8/9

Was out there with our Summer Open Water Students certifying them. Had a blast as usual, always a good place to go. We were on the part of the lake nearest the alligator and the wall.

Water temp was hot on th surface, than several thermoclines. I didn't have a theromometer this trip, si i'm guessing the temps were 85-87 above thermocline and then dropped down to around 69-72 after. Thermo was at 30 feet, then another smaller one at 45

the vis varied greatly this trip, above the thermo it was easily 7-8 feet, but almost as soon as you dropped below it, bam, it got silty fast.

We cruised the wall and found several perch "leks" that were cool to see, and there were some larger bass hunting among the hydrilla. Also found the bomb again, the students liked that. Also saw Fyrfyter (however you spell it) and said hi.

Edit: 100th post! wheeeee!
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Windy Point (public)
Date: 8/10/09 1pm - 3pm
Location: Windy Point (Public)
Surface Temp: 95-100
Water Temp: 78F @ 45ft
Visibility: 4-5ft @ 30ft, 7-10ft @ 45ft
Comments: Saw the scoreboard and a huge overhang/grotto wrote initials in the silt on the scoreboard. Went from the scoreboard to Windy Point (private) lines and back. Avoided getting hooked by people fishing on shore.
Lake Whitney 8/13/09- Soldier's Bluff
A buddy of mine and his dad went out in a boat to explore Soldier's bluff adn try to find the infamous Dr. Pepper truck.We didn't find it, but had a great time all the same!

Max depth-65 feet

Temperature- There were around 4 thermoclines at this lake. temp stated at 87 degrees and by the end of the last thermo it got down to 71. Thermoclines were at 6 feet, 31 feet, 46-47 feet, and 63-65 feet. I wore a 3 mil long and was a little warm.

Viz- Again, there were several layers of visibility. From 0-25ish feet it was green haze, viz of about 1 foot. After the first thermocline viz opened up quite a bit, 3-4 feet, but it began to get dark. Past 40 feet, vis opened up to the range of my light, abotu 6-7 feet, but the clarity of the water was good, i imagine with a brighter light you could see much farther. Below 40 feet there was no light at all from the surface. If your light wasn't shining somewhere , it was black.

Smell- We were warned about the rotten-eggy smell of the bottom of the lake. The warnings are true. My buddy's a smoker, he claims he only smelled a faint odor. However, the smell was definitely there! After 50 feet or so, the smell hit's you like a smell-o-cline, Bam, there's a smell that's soaking through your mask and into your reg. It's bearable, unless your buddy kicks your mask and partially floods it. then it's like you are eating a hot month old egg that's had sulfur dusted onto it. Although you get used to it after a while.

We did 4 dives while searching the area for the truck. We clipped a finger reel to the anchor line of the boat and played out line till we came to the end of it, then did circle sweeps. We hit several overhangs, some that went quite deep, but with the reel and the line we were fine. Although we did not find the DP truck, we found 3 other cars. One was unidentifiable and sits at 36 feet, the other two are at 26-27 feet. One was unidentifiable as well, but -the one that is upside down is a Nissan Dalton 301GX, whatever that is. We figured they drove the cars off the cliffs and let them sink, as the engines were all there and they were really banged up.

All in all, it was an excellent dive spot, one that i would go to again. yeah, the sulfur smell is there, but it's not bad enough to keep me from diving it again, although i might smear my mask with baking soda first!:rofl3:

Oddly enough, the pitch darkness is something that i really enjoy, because you have to go slow and sweep your light back and forth, then get a mental picture of what the terrain is like before going on. I look forward to finding the DP truck sometime in the future!
Windy Point (public)
Date: 8/15/09 1pm - 4pm
Location: Windy Point (Public)
Surface Temp: 100-102
Water Temp: 63F @ 60ft dive 1
Water Temp: 69F @ 58ft dive 2

Visibility: 4-5ft @ 30ft, 5-8ft @ 45ft 7-10 @ 60ft not much light, but dive light lit things up well.
Comments: headed down to the scoreboard and towards Windy Point (private) huge overhang/grotto did some knife hunting for someone, no luck. Found out how to air up the scoreboard. Went from the scoreboard to Windy Point (private) lines and back. Found a 2-3' hollow stump. Vis was good as long as you stay off the bottom. Just generally exploring the area to get to know it well.

Parked between the cones, got a warning-- and a chewing, they're afraid somebody is going to get stuck or go into the lake with their car, if anybody knows somebody there, it would be nice if they could move the cones closer for the divers.
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Canyon Lake (Boat Ramp #1, Canyon Lake Village)
Date: 8/16/09 7:30am - 11am
Location: Boat Ramp #1
Surface Temp: 89F
Water Temp: 84F till Thermo at about 40ft
Max Depth: 41 ft

Visibility: 5-6 ft till about 40 ft, then dropped down to about 3ft

Comments: Boat traffic from Saturday must have really stirred up the slit because visibility was very low and I had reports from other divers that last week the vis was up to 20 ft+. Did 3 dives from the platform just NW of the Ramp's floating dock. Dove till the first thermo but vis dropped off to just about nothing.

Boat and Jet Ski traffic started getting heavy around 9:30 - 10:00 AM.
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Disclaimer: Went out as DM for an AOW class, so conditions may be a bit different than usual - read: stirred up more.

Oasis Wall
1st group dropped down into muck, like 2' deep, as people followed the silt explosion just got worse and worse at 20' or so. Instructor called dive and we went back to boat after the other DM and I searched for a student's lost fin without any luck.
Viz - well, we never got to the wall
Temp - 89.6 surface, 83.8 @ 37'

2) Wreck Alley
Down to houseboat, then to the pecan tree for "deep dive" Viz was better, but path to the tree over the bottom was stirred up horribly. Once past wall and to the tree, opened up a lot more to 10+ or so. Viz around the boat was 5-10 at most, tons of silt stirred up on/around boat. I stayed at rope w/students, did not descend down tree to deeper depth.
Temp - surface 90.3, @ 50' was 82.4

3) Wreck Alley
Down to and around / tour houseboat wreck. Silt still pretty bad here, as the lake is low and lots of wreck visitors stirring up water. Max depth only 28' and vis 2-8' or so, the swim-through was no go due to poor viz conditions
Temp similar as above 90.3 - 83.8 at "depth" of 28'

Thanks to Robert - Lake Travis Scuba. Great fun on the boat and also for helping the diver with the lost fin and bad tank valve!

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