Dive coats for women?

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Los Angeles
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25 - 49

Let first me say... I realize diving is a sport where being fashionable is not much of a priority. Having said that... I still would like something "cute" if at all possible.

I'm looking for a dive coat to wear during my surface intervals without look like a walking potato sack. :D I dive only wet and lately i've been freezing my butt. I've even gotten myself some instant thermo pads which work great when I'm in the water. But once out I'm cold.

My first concern is still the functional aspect of something that can dry quickly and keep me warm. But is there anything out there just a tad bit more fashionable?

whats wrong with wearing a potato sack :D

ScubaJenn arranged for us to get custom parkas from this company, you get to choose your own colours at least and they do the job of keeping you warm and dry perfectly

truWest Custom Swim Parka
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I have a couple of long terry robes that I wear when it is cold. They work well. Once it was so cold one of the guys said, "do you have the pink robe? I am so cold I will swallow my pride and wear it!" LOL How I wish I would have had it with me that day!
I agree with almighty...truwest is great and the shell is water proof...the only problem I have is that its so warm and comfy that I want to wear it all the time!...I ordered 3 for all of use to have one...it was not added cost to have our names embroidered on them..and I upgraded to the polar fleece inside.
My husband bought a TruWest coat at DEMA. They're beautiful; very well made, very warm. Not stylish, though . . .
Being warm and smiling is FAR more attractive that being "cute" and in a miserable mood.
I agree, Truwest. Got one as a deck coat for swimming, used it for diving, now it keeps me warm on those cold days in southcentral Alaska. I have had mine 9 years and it still keeps me warm. but, if you are on a budget check out Swim Parka, Custom Swim Parka
The Truwest parka looks cozy--I haven't seen these before.

I usually just towel off a bit and throw on a fleece jacket between/after dives. For colder days I'll use a heavier windstopper variety. Lots of colors and cuts to choose from and not very pricey. I have fleece pants too, but NOT so fashionable...
The Truwest parka looks cozy--I haven't seen these before.

I usually just towel off a bit and throw on a fleece jacket between/after dives. For colder days I'll use a heavier windstopper variety. Lots of colors and cuts to choose from and not very pricey. I have fleece pants too, but NOT so fashionable...

That's all well and good, but it won't help much if there's wind and it's raining &/or you're getting spray from the small boat you're in. Then, you'll want a TruWest (or similar) big, fuzzy and waterproof jacket.
Anyway, a wet suit or a dry suit is probably one of the most expensive piece of "cloth" so..

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