it is defenitely not known to me that strobes drive away the critters. the beam of light is as strong during day and night. i make the experience, that fish don't even blink an eye. contrary to octopus. whenever you trigger the strobe, they seem to realise by blinking their eyes.
think about lembeh or sabang bay for instance. there, they do night dives on a regular basis without any disadvantage so far. the critters just stay. in sabang bay, there are flashs by the houndreds every night. and every night the same critters stay at the same place.
i rather think, it is just their mentality and neglecting the fact that they could earn even more mony. i know, dive society is working on it with no results so far to my knowlege.
it is defenitely not known to me that strobes drive away the critters. the beam of light is as strong during day and night. i make the experience, that fish don't even blink an eye. contrary to octopus. whenever you trigger the strobe, they seem to realise by blinking their eyes.
think about lembeh or sabang bay for instance. there, they do night dives on a regular basis without any disadvantage so far. the critters just stay. in sabang bay, there are flashs by the houndreds every night. and every night the same critters stay at the same place.
i rather think, it is just their mentality and neglecting the fact that they could earn even more mony. i know, dive society is working on it with no results so far to my knowlege.