It scares me when I see FFM divers without a backup mask, and I do see a lot of them.SNaslund:I've got a question about using a full face mask. Do you carry a normal octo for alternate air source ? Do you have a standard scuba mask in case you have to remove the full face ? How hard is it to switch to an alternate air source ?
Most intelligent FFM divers will carry a normal mask either tucked in a pocket or worn on the back of the neck to switch to in the event their primary regulator fails, runs out of gas, etc. For technical divers this is also done to allow a switch to one or more deco mixes during the dive.
Some divers use a gas switching block to switch from one gas source to another whether it is a stage bottle, deco bottle or bailout bottle (used with surface supplied diving). If using different gases, great care has to be taken not to get it wrong during the switch. A gas switching block essentially leaves you with only the second stage mounted on the mask and this still leaves you vulnerable to a second stage failure. It is however extremely rare to have a second stage fail in a manner that results in a failure to deliver gas.
A gas switching block also does not help your buddy if he or she is OOA so some type of octo is still required to allow you to share gas with your OOA buddy.
I use a Kirby Morgan M48 FFM with uses a detachable pod in the lower half of the mask. This approach allows you to switch to an alternate second stage of any type without having to remove and replace your mask. It also enables you to hand off the pod as a donated second stage as it has a regular mouthpiece in it that you can breathe off like any other second stage. This allows a normal long hose and bungeed backup configuration to be used without the need for an extra mask. It makes a lot of sense in technical diving as it makes switching gases a non event and if you need to maintain com capability through the whole dive, you can fit the deco regs with pods as well.