Well, I finally made the decision to go with the Ladyhawk and the SP MK25/S600 regulator! It is so amazingly comfortable both in the water and out that I was sold. Very solid on me with no tank movement. It was really easy to achieve neutral buoyancy and maintain it at different depths. It may not have many pockets and I may regret that later but I understand that there are other solutions to that as well. Regardless, as a friend of mine said-"This decision is not going to change the course of civilization!"
Thank you everyone for all of the advice and opinions! I can't get over how totally supportive this community is of it's members (this being the SCUBA community as a whole). Just another reason to love the Zen of Scuba.
My next decision will be exposure protection. Needless to say I will need some with the waters here lurking in the 40's-low 50's. Ah, but that's tomorrow. Tonight I shall eat cake!
Thank you everyone for all of the advice and opinions! I can't get over how totally supportive this community is of it's members (this being the SCUBA community as a whole). Just another reason to love the Zen of Scuba.
My next decision will be exposure protection. Needless to say I will need some with the waters here lurking in the 40's-low 50's. Ah, but that's tomorrow. Tonight I shall eat cake!