If you need to round to the nearest 100 it's done by using this. So 1250/100 = 12.5, which Math.floor() changes to 12, then multiply it by 100 again.
Also, I only mention this since you appear to be learning...most of this stuff is nit picky, but if you ever want to program in a team environment it's important to get things standardized (oh geez, I'm drawing a parallel)
1) Always lowercase the start of variables/methods and uppercase object definitions.
2) When a function reads as twoWords() be sure to capitalize the start of each word instead of twowords().
3) All functions should be in the header, in a single js file. That way the file can be cached and the browser doesn't have to reload it every single page load.
4) Avoid using relative access paths for your HTML. For example, where you do this "document.bmcalc.MOD.value", be careful doing that because if you change bmcalc to bmcalcs, you break all your JavaScript. Give each object a unique ID and access it by that , IE document.getElementById("mod")
5) Avoid using inline css. Nearly every one of your tables has the same css applied to it, so just assign them a class and reference it from within the site css file. This will make your life easier if you ever change site themes.