Disabled Divers?

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Vancouver, WA
Hi all:

A few of you may have read my earlier posts about just starting out in scuba diving. My first CW session is this Saturday.

I'm wondering though if there are others here who are disabled and scuba diving.

I'm told that diving with a disability can present problems and challenges that able bodied divers don't necessarily have to contend with.

Just looking for someone who'll be a great source of information.

This site is awesome.
I have a friend that is an instructor for disabled divers. He might be able to get some info to you. His name is Joe and can be reached at cbdives@hotmail.com.
During my DM class, I assisted with an individual who was mostly paralyzed below the waist. My Master Instructor and I researched the physiological and logistical aspects of his situation. I would be happy to pass on what I learned if you're interested, but I'll be the first to say that I'm not an expert.
Hi all:

I forgot to mention that my instructor is trained in teaching people with disabilities to scuba dive and that my sessions are one-on-one.

I'm sure my instructor is very knoledgeable but I'm always looking for more information when I get interested in something.

Sort of like reading a really good book, that I have trouble putting down.
Wow, thanks for the e-mail address.

I don't have any specific questions currently, but boy I bet I will after my first CW dive on Saturday. :)

Wendy once bubbled...
I have a friend that is an instructor for disabled divers. He might be able to get some info to you. His name is Joe and can be reached at cbdives@hotmail.com.
That will make two of us. :)

I plan to ask my instructor lots of questions.

I just wish I had something specific to ask.

I'm trying to decide on whether to go with a weight integrated BC or a seperate weight belt, or maybe a combination of the two.

I'm about 5 foot nothing with a 42 inch waist. I'm worred that if I have a weight integrated BC that I'll have trouble doffing and donning in the water since I'm very boyant. That's why I'm leaning toward a weight belt. I'm sure though that my instructor will be planning for a lot of this.

My friends who I swim with regularly are always hassling me. They don't think it's fair that they have to actually tread water and I float like a cork. :)

I'll be using a drysuit since heat loss with my legs can be substantial. Maybe it won't really be a problem though since I'll be swimming about instead of pushing a joystick. :)

I do have some use of my legs and can stand and walk about in water that is at least three feet deep, plus I can stand and walk on my knees. That comes in handy since the master bath of our apartment isn't wheelchair accessible.

I do wonder about exiting the water. I know I'll be taught some very good methods.

Anyway, thanks all for the replies.

Really though if anyone here is disabled as well, I'd love to hear about your diving experiences.

I can't say this enough. What a great message board.

Northeastwrecks once bubbled...
but I'll be the first to say that I'm not an expert.
Hi there

I just want to say that I admire very much people like you.
I've returned from CoCoView and I saw there a diver from Houston that was paralyzed below the waist and he wasn't missing one dive - even the drop offs from the boat and return to the resort - he had a great support from his wife (also a diver) and the staff who prepared his wheel chair on shore, but I admired his attitude and his good humor.
Maybe he's around this forum...

Take care and go for it!
Hi Sue:

Really, I'm nothing special. I just woke up one day thinking that it would be cool to try something new that I knew I could do.

I personally admire people too for what they do. Funny isn't it?

I have a friend who is disabled, who works for a major wheelchair manufacturer. I admire him because of his design skills.

My GF has MS, and MD. Complications due to these deseases will kill her, yet she still has the will power to go on with her life, even though it sucks. I really admire her.

I admire fire fighters and police officers who risk their lives daily.

I admire the volunteers who deliver meals door to door to people with disabilities who can't get out on their own.

I work for a school district. I admire much of the staff for their dedication in teaching our children, even though more money can be made working elsewhere.

I admire the aides who come to our apartment to take care of my GF, you know get her up, feed her during the day, put her in bed at night, bathe her, that sort of thing. You can make more money flipping burgers at McDonald's than you can working as a home health aide. That is a sad state of affairs if you ask me. :(

I also admire all those who scuba dive. Going out and doing something that most people think constitutes clear evidence of brain damage. My friend Jessie said "I think you're on crack." but also went on to say she thought what I'm doing was pretty cool, though she'd never go scuba diving herself.

Thank you though for your very thoughtful post. I appreciate the positive responses I've received here. This tells me I'm not making a horrible mistake in trying out scuba diving.

Sue once bubbled...
Hi there

I just want to say that I admire very much people like you.
dotyj once bubbled...
I appreciate the positive responses I've received here. This tells me I'm not making a horrible mistake in trying out scuba diving.

Trying out new things, expanding our horizons and experiences is never a mistake. Glad to hear that you are taking up scuba - I am sure you will love it! :)

BTW, took a peek at your homepage - your bus is pretty cool!

Have fun at your classes, and be assured that people on this Board will do their best to answer any questions you may have.
Hi Dotyj:

I just wanted to say that i also admire the ambition that you have for trying something that you wanted to pursue.

Goodluck with your 1st. session, and enjoy the course.
Keep us all posted on your progress.



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