Here is a link to the dive reports from this most excellent adventure: Dive Reports from "The Gathering" - The Dive Matrix Forums and some copy from mine. There are a bunch of us who put in reports on the link above.
Ken's report of the Trip
Now that all the pics are up (HEY... there were several of us shooting. Lets see some more pix!) I wanted to offer my take on the whole jolly affair.
Getting my stuff through TSA was interesting. I shipped the scooter via UPS, checked two large hard-side luggage cases and carried on a roller bag and Reg bag. I got one of the checked bags to weigh in at 70# and the other at 50#. I was able to do that because my carry on was about 68 pounds... OY. My Reg bag was stuff with lenses and all manner of other small heavy stuff.
On the plan, a woman in front of me was having a seizure. Over the PA came the request for a Dr. or Nurse. Claudette is an ER Nurse, so she jumped right up. It was surreal. She leaped into action to comfort and assist this writhing woman. I felt neutered, so I did what I do and prayed like a mofo. The lady got better and things were all cool.
We got the car without incident and rolled to P-n-L's place. Yes, the telephone pole is in the MIDDLE of the driveway.
They put on the ritz for us, as we crashed downstairs. We got geat ready for a very early Friday AM departure, stayed up way too late talking (an event that would be repeated each night) and then eventually went toes up.
Up way too early. Lynne's revenge on me and 'dette. Piled into the big truck and headed south to Tacoma. We arrived and the boat wasn't there, and we learned later that there was an emergency with the cap't and his daughter.
Uncle Pug was there! I got to visit with him for over an hour, and that made me very happy. I miss him and have been very remiss in my correspondence and calling. It was a great visit.
P-n-L, KMD, Chica and I really wanted to dive, so Ron headed back home as we went to Les Davis to splash. WHAT A DIVE!! Lynne led a perfect profile and dive for Claudette and I. So much structure. I love all the road surfaces all piled up. So much to see. I was tripping over Alabaster Nudis in moments, and after about 5 minutes and 10 pictures I could hear a voice saying, "Pace yourself, Turbo..."
We came up to a semi-raining morning. KMD wanted chowder. Dukes was about 10 feet away, so we went for lunch. I discovered Dukes is staffed by a fleet of Fembots, as all servers, greeters and the bar wenches all look alike and are the same size. Face armor is very popular at Dukes, as well.
We did a night dive with Bob and Cheng at Redondo. WOW. Another great site. So clear, so mellow. Can Seattkle diving really be like this? I loved this first dive at Redondo. Grunt Sculpin rocketed to the top of my Fav Fish category. Chica and I swore we'd be back before we left - even if it wasn't on the ambitious agenda. Dinner at the Mongolian BBQ (YUM) and back to P-n-L's for to crash hard.
Another early rise (detecting a pattern here?) to drive way North to the charter boat for the San Juans. We had TWO boats filled, and one of the boats canceled as weather was supposed to be pretty rough - so we jammed as many onto the remaining boat as we could. I was expecting to be "cheek-by-jowl" as Lynne said. But there was plenty of room.
We got to the landing and it was misting rain and windy. We were amongst some kind of Hedge Hog festival, as signs all over the town were announcing all manner of welcome to the little furballs.
The parking lot was abuzz with activity - as we unloaded a zillion tanks, scooters, gear and all all manner of soft bags from cars and trucks to the boat. Everyone was piling everyone else's tanks and stuff into dock carts and shunting them to the boat. I thought that was pretty cool - everyone loading everyone else's gear.
The boat ride out was neat, as I finally got to meet several of the DMX PN-dub's. Faces top names and all that rot. Very nice.
We arrived and THIS is the diving I remember. I've done 8 or 10 dives in the San Juans over the years, and this is how I thought all PNDub diving was - rugged, cold, gray, swift current, etc. I was shocked with Redondo and Les Nesbitt the day before. This was more like it. Diving in the 40's with 5 to 10 feet of viz, huge urchins, big Nudis and lots of flotsam in the water. 2 great dives. But the hang out and the hang back in were the best part.
Again, everyone pitched in and unloaded. P-n-L had a party planned that night, so we were to hustle back to homebase. I drove my rental this time and took Claudette on a quickie detour on the way back. No way you come this far, to this place and not stop and view, with mouth agape, Deception pass.
All of my best memories of this place are tied to Uncle Pug. He's the first person who wanted one of my photographs, and that shot was of Deception Pass. I had to go see it again.
It was just like I remembered. FAST, ridiculous current, kayakers playing in the wash, etc. We saw water boiling in broad daylight. We watched the largest Seal ever playing in the moving water. It broke me to be there again.
We hauled butt back to homebase for the party. There I got to meet and speak with more people I've known online or by reputation only. It was an excellent night of home cookin' (really good stuff!) I didn't get trampled when the Apple Pie made its appearance. One of the fortunate ones.
As the crowd thinned out, it ended up with Lynne, me and 'chica at the bar - talking 'til way past 1:00 AM. Crash hard, repeat in the AM.
Woke late. Very nice. Emerged and Peter was at his DM class, and Lynne had slunk off to fill 4,927 tanks. Matt, you rock. Lynne, you should have woke us. We'd be bleary, but we'd have helped!
The dive was Cove 2. We headed out at lunch time without benefit of lunch. We slept through breakfast, so for the entire dive I was thinking about food.
As Claudette and I were leaning on the rental changing, Peter called over from the grassy knoll. He had found Lamont and wanted to be sure we were properly introduced. What's that you say? A shout from 40 feet, strategically timed to facilitate an introduction (and first impression) when Ken and Claudette are in their underpants changing into their Dry Suit base layer isn't a proper introduction? I guess it is up here. We waved to Lamont and thought to ourselves, "forever, we'll be remembered by this guy as the underwear street people...."
Cove 2 was another excellent dive. On par with Les Nesbitt and Redondo. Clear, mellow, lots to see. Loved it. Back to the car for a hasty doff (what, no Lamont to see the show again?) and we head to Bubbles for some froofroo sandwiches and some kind of Karmic Tea.
We ran to another site (I can't remember - some stairs that was just churning... across from a thoughtfully placed ChemPot) and decided getting in would be cake, getting out would involve loss of teeth. So we called Bob and Cheng and dived Redondo again (I knew we'd be back...)
Redondo was another great dive. Current this time. Wacky current. Current that changes from north to south, back to South to North, and back again... all on one dive. Weird. We booked back to P&L's for some home cookin' (again, stellar.) Kevin was flying out Sunday night. Get this: Dude sherpa'ed all of the scooters, and most of the gear from the parking lot to the entry point. He hung out, waited until we all got out then offered to schlep back. This guy is one in a million.
Rising again at a reasonable hour, but without the plush sleep-in of Sunday. I'm leaving tonight at 9:45 PM, so we have plans. The plan is to dive pretty early (Lunch-ish) and head back to homebase, dry and pack gear and bust a move to SeaTac.
We go to NWDS for fills (is that what it's called? Home of the Phat Matt fill) and we get filled and settle the fill charges. Nice shop. I hate dive shops. This one is pretty cool. Non-pretentious, cool hang, real gear. Sweet.
The dive today is Edmonds UW park. Let me start by saying, WOW. We have nothing like this in SoCal, nor will we ever. 25 to 30 feet of flat, calm, checkerboard roped in public art displays - all under water. So cool. Home of the big lings (although we never saw a "big" one, I did see something sofa sized lurking in the fog in the distance...) P-n-L, chica and I were all scootering.
We splash (I gotta say, my 7th dive of the trip - there is no appreciable surf up here. Not too shabby, a shore dive without pounding surf to negotiate) and head out through the sea grass.
Peter is leading, and about 10 minutes into the dive, the instigator does a perfect barrel roll. Hmmmm. So its go time, huh? From then on, its just four mental patients spinning and twirling for the next hour or so. So funny.
There are a lot of cool things to scooter through and around at Edmonds. I captured some of my best shots there. I WISH I brought the Wide Angle rig out, as viz was pretty good and the stuff is so cool. I loved Tube Henge.
On the way back my scoot starts to shutter (my #1 batt is very old and doesn't roll as long as the I'm schlepping this camera rig) so I get a tow back in. We exit and try (without success) to shower off the lettuce that sticks to everything.
Back into the trucks, and a return to homebase for yet another home cooked meal (P-n-L - you guys so rule) and I'm packing like a mad man. Its so much easier to get all of this jammed into the cases when its dry and I'm not pressed for time.
I steal a bathroom scale. Once again, I'm at 50#, 70# for the checked luggage, and a zillion for my carry on pieces. Chica will run the scoots to the UPS store on Tuesday AM (I packed pre-printed airbills because I rule) and I'm off to SeaTac.
Thank you everyone. This trip exceed all my expectations. P-n-L, I love you guys. Claudette - you are the best dive buddy ever. KMD, you are an excellent team mate and I'd love to dive again with you - I can learn so much from you.
I'll be glowing for weeks.
Here is a link to my gallery from The Gathering weekend: The Gathering (October 2007 - Seattle Dives) - The Dive Matrix Galleries

Super time. Great to meet and dive with new friends.
Ken's report of the Trip
Now that all the pics are up (HEY... there were several of us shooting. Lets see some more pix!) I wanted to offer my take on the whole jolly affair.
Getting my stuff through TSA was interesting. I shipped the scooter via UPS, checked two large hard-side luggage cases and carried on a roller bag and Reg bag. I got one of the checked bags to weigh in at 70# and the other at 50#. I was able to do that because my carry on was about 68 pounds... OY. My Reg bag was stuff with lenses and all manner of other small heavy stuff.
On the plan, a woman in front of me was having a seizure. Over the PA came the request for a Dr. or Nurse. Claudette is an ER Nurse, so she jumped right up. It was surreal. She leaped into action to comfort and assist this writhing woman. I felt neutered, so I did what I do and prayed like a mofo. The lady got better and things were all cool.
We got the car without incident and rolled to P-n-L's place. Yes, the telephone pole is in the MIDDLE of the driveway.
They put on the ritz for us, as we crashed downstairs. We got geat ready for a very early Friday AM departure, stayed up way too late talking (an event that would be repeated each night) and then eventually went toes up.
Up way too early. Lynne's revenge on me and 'dette. Piled into the big truck and headed south to Tacoma. We arrived and the boat wasn't there, and we learned later that there was an emergency with the cap't and his daughter.
Uncle Pug was there! I got to visit with him for over an hour, and that made me very happy. I miss him and have been very remiss in my correspondence and calling. It was a great visit.
P-n-L, KMD, Chica and I really wanted to dive, so Ron headed back home as we went to Les Davis to splash. WHAT A DIVE!! Lynne led a perfect profile and dive for Claudette and I. So much structure. I love all the road surfaces all piled up. So much to see. I was tripping over Alabaster Nudis in moments, and after about 5 minutes and 10 pictures I could hear a voice saying, "Pace yourself, Turbo..."
We came up to a semi-raining morning. KMD wanted chowder. Dukes was about 10 feet away, so we went for lunch. I discovered Dukes is staffed by a fleet of Fembots, as all servers, greeters and the bar wenches all look alike and are the same size. Face armor is very popular at Dukes, as well.
We did a night dive with Bob and Cheng at Redondo. WOW. Another great site. So clear, so mellow. Can Seattkle diving really be like this? I loved this first dive at Redondo. Grunt Sculpin rocketed to the top of my Fav Fish category. Chica and I swore we'd be back before we left - even if it wasn't on the ambitious agenda. Dinner at the Mongolian BBQ (YUM) and back to P-n-L's for to crash hard.
Another early rise (detecting a pattern here?) to drive way North to the charter boat for the San Juans. We had TWO boats filled, and one of the boats canceled as weather was supposed to be pretty rough - so we jammed as many onto the remaining boat as we could. I was expecting to be "cheek-by-jowl" as Lynne said. But there was plenty of room.
We got to the landing and it was misting rain and windy. We were amongst some kind of Hedge Hog festival, as signs all over the town were announcing all manner of welcome to the little furballs.
The parking lot was abuzz with activity - as we unloaded a zillion tanks, scooters, gear and all all manner of soft bags from cars and trucks to the boat. Everyone was piling everyone else's tanks and stuff into dock carts and shunting them to the boat. I thought that was pretty cool - everyone loading everyone else's gear.
The boat ride out was neat, as I finally got to meet several of the DMX PN-dub's. Faces top names and all that rot. Very nice.
We arrived and THIS is the diving I remember. I've done 8 or 10 dives in the San Juans over the years, and this is how I thought all PNDub diving was - rugged, cold, gray, swift current, etc. I was shocked with Redondo and Les Nesbitt the day before. This was more like it. Diving in the 40's with 5 to 10 feet of viz, huge urchins, big Nudis and lots of flotsam in the water. 2 great dives. But the hang out and the hang back in were the best part.
Again, everyone pitched in and unloaded. P-n-L had a party planned that night, so we were to hustle back to homebase. I drove my rental this time and took Claudette on a quickie detour on the way back. No way you come this far, to this place and not stop and view, with mouth agape, Deception pass.
All of my best memories of this place are tied to Uncle Pug. He's the first person who wanted one of my photographs, and that shot was of Deception Pass. I had to go see it again.
It was just like I remembered. FAST, ridiculous current, kayakers playing in the wash, etc. We saw water boiling in broad daylight. We watched the largest Seal ever playing in the moving water. It broke me to be there again.
We hauled butt back to homebase for the party. There I got to meet and speak with more people I've known online or by reputation only. It was an excellent night of home cookin' (really good stuff!) I didn't get trampled when the Apple Pie made its appearance. One of the fortunate ones.
As the crowd thinned out, it ended up with Lynne, me and 'chica at the bar - talking 'til way past 1:00 AM. Crash hard, repeat in the AM.
Woke late. Very nice. Emerged and Peter was at his DM class, and Lynne had slunk off to fill 4,927 tanks. Matt, you rock. Lynne, you should have woke us. We'd be bleary, but we'd have helped!
The dive was Cove 2. We headed out at lunch time without benefit of lunch. We slept through breakfast, so for the entire dive I was thinking about food.
As Claudette and I were leaning on the rental changing, Peter called over from the grassy knoll. He had found Lamont and wanted to be sure we were properly introduced. What's that you say? A shout from 40 feet, strategically timed to facilitate an introduction (and first impression) when Ken and Claudette are in their underpants changing into their Dry Suit base layer isn't a proper introduction? I guess it is up here. We waved to Lamont and thought to ourselves, "forever, we'll be remembered by this guy as the underwear street people...."
Cove 2 was another excellent dive. On par with Les Nesbitt and Redondo. Clear, mellow, lots to see. Loved it. Back to the car for a hasty doff (what, no Lamont to see the show again?) and we head to Bubbles for some froofroo sandwiches and some kind of Karmic Tea.
We ran to another site (I can't remember - some stairs that was just churning... across from a thoughtfully placed ChemPot) and decided getting in would be cake, getting out would involve loss of teeth. So we called Bob and Cheng and dived Redondo again (I knew we'd be back...)
Redondo was another great dive. Current this time. Wacky current. Current that changes from north to south, back to South to North, and back again... all on one dive. Weird. We booked back to P&L's for some home cookin' (again, stellar.) Kevin was flying out Sunday night. Get this: Dude sherpa'ed all of the scooters, and most of the gear from the parking lot to the entry point. He hung out, waited until we all got out then offered to schlep back. This guy is one in a million.
Rising again at a reasonable hour, but without the plush sleep-in of Sunday. I'm leaving tonight at 9:45 PM, so we have plans. The plan is to dive pretty early (Lunch-ish) and head back to homebase, dry and pack gear and bust a move to SeaTac.
We go to NWDS for fills (is that what it's called? Home of the Phat Matt fill) and we get filled and settle the fill charges. Nice shop. I hate dive shops. This one is pretty cool. Non-pretentious, cool hang, real gear. Sweet.
The dive today is Edmonds UW park. Let me start by saying, WOW. We have nothing like this in SoCal, nor will we ever. 25 to 30 feet of flat, calm, checkerboard roped in public art displays - all under water. So cool. Home of the big lings (although we never saw a "big" one, I did see something sofa sized lurking in the fog in the distance...) P-n-L, chica and I were all scootering.
We splash (I gotta say, my 7th dive of the trip - there is no appreciable surf up here. Not too shabby, a shore dive without pounding surf to negotiate) and head out through the sea grass.
Peter is leading, and about 10 minutes into the dive, the instigator does a perfect barrel roll. Hmmmm. So its go time, huh? From then on, its just four mental patients spinning and twirling for the next hour or so. So funny.
There are a lot of cool things to scooter through and around at Edmonds. I captured some of my best shots there. I WISH I brought the Wide Angle rig out, as viz was pretty good and the stuff is so cool. I loved Tube Henge.
On the way back my scoot starts to shutter (my #1 batt is very old and doesn't roll as long as the I'm schlepping this camera rig) so I get a tow back in. We exit and try (without success) to shower off the lettuce that sticks to everything.
Back into the trucks, and a return to homebase for yet another home cooked meal (P-n-L - you guys so rule) and I'm packing like a mad man. Its so much easier to get all of this jammed into the cases when its dry and I'm not pressed for time.
I steal a bathroom scale. Once again, I'm at 50#, 70# for the checked luggage, and a zillion for my carry on pieces. Chica will run the scoots to the UPS store on Tuesday AM (I packed pre-printed airbills because I rule) and I'm off to SeaTac.
- Claudette and I getting on the Plane in SoCal (she loves to fly) and watching her handle the emergency. Very cool to travel with someone with skills and a cool head.
- Peter and Lynne were the best hosts ever. Lynne goes from this intense focused presence to this silly, happy, clapping jumping girly person without warning when she's very happy inside. Having guests around this weekend made her happy inside, and I liked seeing her that way very much.
- I got to see Uncle Pug, again. He is so tied to this region in my mind, that being up here without seeing him would have been very rough on me. I'm so happy to even spend an hour with him on Friday morning.
- Lynne and I going through the hoopla to find and view the tide charts on my blackberry (how very new millennium diver) only to later find Ron had a tide chart in the door of his car!
- Watching everyone pitch in to load and unload gear on the boat on Sat. You guys have a very special community up there, and for a few short days I was a part of it. I love that.
- After Dive one in SJI, Kevin (still in the water as we're kicking towards the boat) looked at me and Claudette and said, "Man. You guys are Hard Core..." This made it to the top 5 of the best complements I've ever received. Thanks, man.
- I met a guy named Bones. He told me to call him Bones. He told everyone to call him Bones. I think that's charming.
- Lamont saw me in my underpants. I'm both mortified and relieved, as its only uphill from there. Love you man.
- Sounder is my brother. I know it. From someplace, from some time, I know he and I are connected. I like that very much.
- Luke (P-n-L's dobie) rules.
- People saw some of my Pictures. Nobody sees my stuff. It was encouraging, that at the party people stopped what they were doing and wanted to see my pictures. I've never showed a group my shots before. Wow. Thanks, everyone.
- I watched a professional "middle man" on a scooter team, and realized that dude is the glue. Thanks KMD for keeping us together in the current and low viz. Chica and I are better divers because of those dives with you.
- Cheng remembered the Chica Express. Bob wore a Bob Shirt. That's just funny. And sweet. I love you guys.
- Kirk - thanks for a great lead. We'll get shots of the octo next time (if I don't hiroshima the site chasing a War Bonnet first...)
- Doug - you rock. We will do this again. We will do this in SoCal, as its cheaper than Indonesia or Fiji, and more of our friends will be there, and that's more important than anything - planning a dive so your buddies can be there, too.
- I petted a horse. Two, actually. And one of them slobbered on my jacket.
- Muck boots are a brand. Just in case you didn't know.
- I surprised Lynne with my knowledge of inductive cooktops. I didn't think I had the capacity to surprise Lynne. I'm quite proud of that.
- Peter is a clown. In all the best ways. He loves to have fun. He's a serious guy, and he has skills - but dude loves to have fun. And he can bring the funny. I love that, too. Thanks for Edmonds. That was your dive and I'll never forget it.
- Washington is beautiful. I'd live there in a minute. With all the wonderful people I met, the diving, the outdoor sports, the beauty. I'd do it in a moment. I still may.
Thank you everyone. This trip exceed all my expectations. P-n-L, I love you guys. Claudette - you are the best dive buddy ever. KMD, you are an excellent team mate and I'd love to dive again with you - I can learn so much from you.
I'll be glowing for weeks.
Here is a link to my gallery from The Gathering weekend: The Gathering (October 2007 - Seattle Dives) - The Dive Matrix Galleries

Super time. Great to meet and dive with new friends.