If I recall correctly, the guy was rigged for scuba. Adding a SAS (surface air supply) isn't much more than just plugging into a block though, if you have it rigged that way.
I'll try to dig up the side view of the rig, it's around here someplace.
BCs (when used) are normally a wing that hooks onto the harness on the back. I have an old Interspiro rig set up that way using an old (70s vintage) SEATEC wing, don't use it much as the bottles are 4400 psi & it always used to be (and still is) a problem getting a full fill.
Stories you've heard about regs failing closed are just that, urban legends. That particular reg is 100% DIR by the way, right down to using a "normal" regulator hose & being able to be disassembled underwater (not that you'd really want to). IP is 145 psi. (It's an Interspiro reg, not Poseidon).
Poseidon regs (the Jetstream/Odin) have a venturi assist valve that's upstream, prior to puking they dribble air, you know they're in need of attention long before they'd get close to puking. I've never heard of anyone letting things go long enough for that to happen though. Having one fail just turns it into a "normal" reg w/o the venturi assist. Neither myself nor any of the long time reg doctors I've spoken with have ever heard of anything like that happen though. Closest thing I've heard about to a "failure" was a guy that admitted that he hadn't turned his tank on far enough.
Don't need a backup, that AGA in the pic has a sideblock. Crack the valve & your air bypasses the 2nd completely.
Imagine having 2 guys dive all day on a buck & a half's worth of gasoline. You can stay down all day if you want, without a boat full of tanks (more room for bugs!!)
Try surface air sometime & get spoiled.

If only I could figure out how to pack a lunch along...:tease: