NWGratefulDiver:For one of our local dives it comes in real handy when looking at a well-known octopus den tucked underneath the bow of a sunken boat. Once you're done looking you can back out from underneath the bow and continue your dive.
Another time it came in really handy ... although for my dive buddy more than for me ... she was videotaping some footage for a TV show on aquafarming, and we were swimming in mussel beds. If you've never done that, they hang on wires in a grid. The wires are spaced about three feet apart. She swam into the grid a bit to get some footage, then backed out.
On some of the warm water dives I've been on ... the only time I ever attempt to take photographs ... I've used the back kick to position myself to "frame" the picture. I use a Nikonos, which is a fixed lens. So I just swim in close, then slowly back up till I get it framed the way I want it. If you look at my avatar, that's exactly what I'm doing in that photo ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I see what you mean Bob. I do little stops and adjustments without thinking about it. I was thinking more along the lines of swimming backwards for like a minute. I try it and then it hits me, "why would I NEED to do this"? I do need some practice or maybe different fins. I tend to rise a little after about 10 kicks.