there you said it, you don't think you are a better diver than anyone else, proves you are NOT one of those who upon passing claim monopoly on the knowledge.
and you are able to think for yourself . that distinguishes you from those who claim they are the ones and all the rest are unsafe.
Don't take offense as i believe you are not one of them, as Matthew stated , your report shows clearly that you are yourself still

at the resort there are about 5 to 6 of DIR-F enrollees. and you could clearly see that most are free thinkers. they voice out their contrary view on what your teacher told the class to DO and not to DO. to quote unquote "i don't think he has the right to tell me to dive with just a certain group..."
one of them has logged on to SB and PPD as well..... you will learn of him when he gets his DIR-F. they are done with the course, and just like johhnythan , they were told that they passed, but no card as yet......