DIR Divers by area

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Name: Lynne Flaherty
Location: Woodinville, WA
Contact: PM to TSandM
Training: GUE-F, Cave 1, NAUI Helitrox with AG
Lots of spare gear. I enjoy diving with novice divers and introducing people to our system.

Name: Dylan Kretchmer (not currently diving)
Location: Seattle, WA
Contact: PM to ADeadlierSnake
Training: GUE-F, hopefully Tech 1 pretty soon
Typically dives with GUE Seattle

Name: Hunter Lacey
Location: Bozeman, MT
Contact: send a PM to Coldsmoke
I have some extra stuff, but not a complete kit. I could likely borrow some stuff from friends locally though. I dive around Montana, Yellowstone Park and would be willing to drive a little especially if it's to dive something new.

Name: Mike Racine
Location: Seattle, WA
Contact: mikera -at- centurytel.net
President, Washington Scuba Alliance
Member, Submerged Cultural Resources Exploration Team, Seattle WA
Member, National Marine Sanctuary Volunteer Science Diver, Seattle WA

Name: bubbleblowindude
Location: Resurrection Bay, Alaska
Contact: Blackwood
TDI and IANTD basic trimix (UTD Tech 2-ish), UTD Wreck 1

Name: Don Chennavasin (not currently diving)
Location: Santa Clara, CA (Monterey/Carmel area)
Contact: PM to ae3753 or visit dan@sfdj.com[/EMAIL]
Have 34 foot Regal ( Express Cruiser) outfitted for diving as a 6 pack. Boat sleeps 6 and has Galley and head. If you are DIR, you are welcome on my boat --we go out most weekends and some weekdays. This is "not" a charter boat. Typically dives will be 2 single tank dives, in Juno, Jupiter, or in the 120 foot stuff out of palm beach inlet.

Name: Adam Gonzales
Location: Orlando, Fl
Contact: (813) 245-9415 or sgtaj@tampabay.rr.com
GUE Cave2/Tech1. Open most weekends and some weekdays.

Ryan Fahey
Location: Orlando, FL/ Tallahassee, FL
Contact: (850)443-1626 or faheyrj@gmail.com or PM UCFKnightDiver
GUE-Fundamentals and Cave cert's by other agencies. Open most weekends.

Name: Kate Pruden
Location: Lake City, FL
Contact: PM lv2dive or lv2dive70 at gmail dot com
GUE Cave2/Tech2 (CCR certified outside of GUE)
Multiple sets of doubles/gear; enjoy meeting new people; happy to go out to eat, "save a dive" from my spare gear if needed, and of course cave dive (cave 1 or cave 2!)

Name: Meredith T
Location: High Springs, FL area
Contact: PM Mer
Training: GUE Cave 2/Tech 2, NACD Cave DPV.
Available early spring to early fall, typically. Some weekday availability. Some extra gear.

Rocky Mountains

Name: John Adsit
Location: Boulder, CO
Contact: send a PM to boulderjohn
I do not personally have a lot of extra equipment, but our group has a lot of extra stuff among us, and we all share. As I type, I am at my computer at home, but much of my gear is being used by others on a weekend trip. Anyone wanting to dive in this region could be easily set up with whatever is needed.


Name: Ari F.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Contact: send a PM to gsk3
GUE Fundamentals
There are lots of other folks around. Happy to introduce you if you're interested.

Name: Tim F.
Location: Baltimore, MD
Contact: PM to ScubaFeenD
Can help connect with divers in the Maryland area.

Name: Jim Clark.
Location: Allentown, PA
Contact: clark701@ptd.net
Lots of extra stuff.

Claus S.
Location: Greater Boston Area
Contact: PM to Lobzilla
GUE Fundamentals
Please contact for DIR diving in RI, MA, NH, ME.
Have spare rig (single or doubles) for folks who want to try out DIR BP/W

Keith M.
Location: Greater Boston Area
Contact: PM to cozumelkeith or email at malarick.k@gmail.com
GUE Fundamentals (Rec Pass)
Looking to connect with like-minded divers in the area.


Name: Meredith T
Location: Kona area (Big Island), occasional travel to Honolulu/Oahu
Contact: PM Mer
Training: GUE Cave 2/Tech 2, NACD Cave DPV.
Available early fall to early spring, typically. Some weekday availability. Some extra gear.


North America


Name: Brian Nadwidny
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Contact: PM to nadwidny or email to nadwidny@gmail.com
GUE Fundies and Cave 2. Trimix through various agencies. I have BP/wings for singles and double for people to try out. Air and gas fills available.

Name ; Jay Schier
Location; Victoria, BC/Saint Albert AB
Contact; utddiver@hotmail.com

UTD/DIR Foundational instructor
Sidemount instructor
PADI/SDI/TDI instructor
Tech 1/working on full cave

Have several singles, doubles, back mount/sidemount gear for use.

Central Mexico

Name: Francisco Garuti
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Contact: PM to gauchomexica or email to fgaruti@decibeles.com

IANTD Adv Recreational Trimix, PADI OWSI. I have around 5 sets of DIR compliant equipment, I usually try to teach my OW students in this kind of config. Also a couple of double wings and a set of AL80s (doubles) plus some stages. Always happy to help people out and to introduce people to other ways of thinking about diving. I drive often to Acapulco and Veracruz to do trips or classes.



Name: Andreas Hess
Location: Munich
Contact: PM to GermanDiver
Training CMAS***,GUE-F, IANTD Trimix, IANTD Trimix Gas blender
I am always glad to answer questions and assist interested parties in making good decisions.

Name: Mike Manthe
Location: Rostock
Contact: PM to MikeManthe or info@dive-guide.de
Training: GUE Tech 1; TDI Instructor; PADI Masterinstructor
Several complete DIR-Rigs (Halcyon Eclipse and Evolve; Apeks regulators) available; Wreckdiving in the Baltic Sea and Norway; I am running a small divecenter specialized in DIR Equipment and training (GUE and TDI), Rental of X-Scooters


Name: Emir Memic
Location: Zagreb
Contact: PM to MonkSeal
Training: GUE Tech-2
Can help in organizing DIR (mostly wreck) diving in Adriatic Sea.

Middle East


Name: Scuba Online
Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Contact: info@scubaonline-eg.com
languages: english
Phone : +201016003888
Scuba Online is one of the best diving shops in Hurghada. We sell all diving equipment and more with good prices. We are autherized dealers for Scubapro, Mares and Poseidon, and dealers for Cressi Sub, Beuchat and Tusa. We have got PADI material. Follw us @ our facebook group "Scuba Online"

Name: Dorotha & Bartek
Location: Hurghada, Egypt
Contact: dorota@divetrek.com.pl or bartek@frogkick.pl
GUE Tech 1 Instructor & GUE Tech 2 diver
languages: english, polish, german, french

United Arabs Emirates

Name: Daniel LLorente
Location: Dibba Al Hisn
Contact: PM me
Training: GUE Fundamentals Rec pass, PADI MSDT, TDI Wreck 1
Language: English, French, Spanish

Down Under

New Zealand

Name: Andy
Location: Auckland
Contact: send a PM to AndyNZ (or call +64 21 629 425) or email andy@techdivenz.com
Training GUE-F (+some TDI stuff)
Just started a new business with Jamie Obern, New Zealand's only GUE instructor. Details on our website (Tech Dive NZ). As a result, we have shed loads of gear available for use by visiting divers and also arrange "DIR Friendly" dive trips. Jamie's just written an article on NZ diving for Quest, of particular interest are trips to the Mikhail Lermontov. A Russian cruise liner in just over 30m of water. Contact us if you are interested, as we are happy to arrange trips at any time!


Name: Jane van Roekel
Location: Sydney, NSW
Contact: PM pengwe
Training: GUE-F

East Asia


Name: Greg Anderson
Location: Taiwan
Contact: shellbackdiver@gmail.com Phone (+886) 988236371
Am GUE trained. I'm a Halcyon dealer and lots of extra gear for all to try. Sponsor GUE-F classes annually.


Name: Michael DePaula
Location: Okinawa
Contact: PM me at OkiMike, Phone (+81) 908-401-3325
Training: GUE Tech 2, GUE DPV 1, GUE Fundamentals Instructor Intern
I have two sets of most gear and tanks.

Name: Mitchell Singler
Location: Iwakuni, Japan
Contact: PM me at "Pullmyfinger", Phone 080-2907-0340.
Training: GUE Fundamentals (Tech pass).
TDI Advanced Nitrox/Decompression procedures.
I have two complete sets of doubles gear, and a complete set of singles gear. Another local DIR buddy has other gear for doubles and double tanks
I'm doing GUE fundamentals in France in June. If there's anyone in the country, I'd love to talk to you before then, if not get a few dives in.
Edit, I'm just going for a rec pass. I'm AOW and not that experienced.
I'm getting my gear dusted off and tuned back up. I took fundies in 2008, passed with a tech pass, did trimix with greg such in WI (very similar gear setup except cold water), and full cave with Edd Sorenson (very sidemount and not DIR).

Tom Judkins
St Louis, MO
Contact me through DM
So how many of the people on the last list are still associated with ScubaBoard?
So how many of the people on the last list are still associated with ScubaBoard?
Probably not many...I may reach out to see who is still diving...my follow through isn't always great though.
I scanned the list and only saw a few I recognized. I think a lot of ScubaBoard veterans would be surprised to see my name there.
I scanned the list and only saw a few I recognized. I think a lot of ScubaBoard veterans would be surprised to see my name there.
Hah I recognize a few names from my days in the Midwest from this thread but was surprised to see someone in the front range. Do you dive anywhere locally? My tech 1 expired back in 2016 but I still get some warm water trips in occasionally. Majority of my tech dives were in Lake Michigan. Still have my full setup though minus tanks!
I scanned the list and only saw a few I recognized. I think a lot of ScubaBoard veterans would be surprised to see my name there.
Hah I recognize a few names from my days in the Midwest from this thread but was surprised to see someone in the front range. Do you dive anywhere locally? My tech 1 expired back in 2016 but I still get some warm water trips in occasionally. Majority of my tech dives were in Lake Michigan. Still have my full setup though minus tanks.
Hah I recognize a few names from my days in the Midwest from this thread but was surprised to see someone in the front range. Do you dive anywhere locally? My tech 1 expired back in 2016 but I still get some warm water trips in occasionally. Majority of my tech dives were in Lake Michigan. Still have my full setup though minus tanks.
Front Range tech diving is pretty much all done in a private lake in New Mexico. It is about 280 feet deep. I have not dived there myself in a couple years.
I'm getting my gear dusted off and tuned back up. I took fundies in 2008, passed with a tech pass, did trimix with greg such in WI (very similar gear setup except cold water), and full cave with Edd Sorenson (very sidemount and not DIR).

Tom Judkins
St Louis, MO
Contact me through DM
There is an active GUE community in the Midwest these days. @MWUE occasionally hits up Mermet Springs for events and run a number of charters, trips, classes, and presentations throughout the year.

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