Most of the time the DM's on these dives were PADI certified and I suspect those were the rules which were being followed. My wife was never keen on me participating in the u-i dives but one year I convinced her to attend the "pre dive seminar" so she'd be reassured that risk was minimized, etc. The day of the actual dive though all of the assurance was eliminated as the result of three episodes:
1) a late arrival, the DM's daughter was given preferential treatment as well as allowed to replace a member of a dive team
2) the DM's daughter was tending, grew tired of holding the line and decided to just lay it down on the ice. Guess who was on the end of that line?
3) the DM himself elected to do an untethered u-i dive. No reel, no line, no nothing.
Needless to say, during the drive home my wife told me "If you ever dive under ice again it will NOT be with a group led by that idiot." In all fairness to all involved, that year's u-i dive was DM'd by a different DM than previously or since. However, the harness rule was present in all cases.
As I mentioned in a previous post, although I've dove (diven? dived?) under ice several times I do not consider myself an u-i diver. However, given the opportunity I'd like to take a well conducted course in u-i diving.