Kendall Raine
Kevrumbo:We had this drill roughly similar to the above during my latest Wreck Class: a 3-man team laying line suddenly "losing all their masks" (including backup masks:11: ); after re-grouping on the line for egress, one of my teammates presumably was "declared OOG" and promptly ripped my Primary out of my mouth. I positioned him in the middle, put my other teammate in the lead per protocol, and we made our way out using touch contact. . .
The method I used in desperation to estimate elapsed time (I'm gonna really get flamed for this one!): Play the Final Jeopardy Tune in your head --it's about 30 seconds long-- and try to keep a running tally. . .
You won't get flamed by me. What works in the real world works. It's a good idea. Let others argue about the right way to part hair or the "correct" tune to hum. I have no musical talent and so instead use breathing cycles. I know how many breaths I take a minute and count that way. Helps me think about measured breathing and measured breathing helps me think. I used to have a Seal reservist who worked for me. He told me they used kick cycles for measuring distances when swimming in harbors at night where they couldn't even use a backlit watch. The point is you have a tested method that works even in zero viz.