Originally posted by reefrat
Bob3 is right about the old twin hose regs.
In fact they were the opposite of modern two stage units to breathe off ie. horizontal face down = hard to inhale, horizontal face up=easy to inhale.
The reason is simply that face down the diaphram of the modern reg second stage is slightly lower (deeper) than your lungs and face up the diaphram is slightly higher (shallower).
Then why is it so much harder to breathe horizontal face up than when vertical in the water? Seems, in my experience, to be a combination of the orientation of the regulator, not the water pressure difference due to different depths... it's very easy to breathe when I'm ina head-down veritcal position (head much lower than lungs). It's slightly harder to breathe in a head-up vertical position, but not nearly as hard as when horizontal with my face towards the surface.
I'm generally good with physics but at a loss to explain this... Perhaps it has something to do with the difference in depth between the diaphragm and... the valve? I don't know..