So what are the differences between jet fins and rocket fins?
Am I correct that Scubapro's Jets came first and Aqualungs rockets are a somewhat knockoff/clone?
How detailed an answer are you looking for? Hard scientific performance data on either is somewhat lacking but there is a ton of annecdotal evidence out there.
Am I correct that Scubapro's Jets came first and Aqualungs rockets are a somewhat knockoff/clone?
"Which one is better" is a worthy question. "Which one came first" seems like a monkey-see question.
Is the jet fin popularity more of a monkey see monkey do than a real difference in the fins....
Never underestimate the power of the herd. As with the placebo effect, the power of the herd can become a self-fulfilling prophecy and, as such, the question is mooted. That said, I got my first pair of JetFins in 1971 (and still have them, which also counts for something) and have tried a bunch of different fins (including the Rockets) over the years. In the end, I still come back to the JetFins when I can, though my paddle feet and my drysuit conspire to force me into the larger Turtles for much of my diving. "Best" is a subjective term - determine what characteristics you need in a fin and don't sweat the picayune. If you're like most of us, you'll never stop trying different fins that fit your profile. If you're like many of us, you'll settle in on JetFins.