Thanks - not sure this is really meaningful research to spend tax dollars on.
- to me there needs to be a clear path to a benefit from the outcome. In my opinion, we don't have the means to fund research for the sake of research (nor should we).
This is where it can be tough regarding public funded research; sometimes it can take years or decades before a practical application is realized from research results.
One example, there was a time when relativity wasn't of any practical use and was nothing more than a theory albeit one that made some pretty cool and accurate verifiable predictions. But now, 50-60 years later GPS is used nearly ubiquitously (commercial and military) and is built on knowledge and understanding of relativity.
Of course not all publicly funded research works out this way, but IMO we should spend some amount of public money on "just research". How much is a good question and bringing this back full circle, I don't think we are at a place where a science march makes sense (particularly if it's been politically hijacked), again just my opinion.