Did I get Hit?

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Reaction score
Hummelstown, PA
# of dives
500 - 999
Hey all,
I completed my advanced openwater + nitrox this weekend.
Saturday two dives on 36% 25min each max depth 40'. 1-2 hour SI
Sunday three dives on 32% ~25 min each, depth 95', 45', 22' 1-2 our SI between all.
Diving Full 7mm + hood + glove, temps 50's to high 40's

On Sunday morning I noticed what felt like a mild sunburn all over my body, including my face. Thought nothing of it, since no associated other pain.

But on sunday evening when I got home, I still had the same mild sunburn feeling, but accompanied with being very tired and a bit irratable (now I do have a two year old son that presently has an ear infection and being quite irratiable himself).

After taking a hot shower and sleeping for a couple of hours I felt much better.

For grins my BMI is about .29, (5'11'', 215lbs, but rather dense) use 16lbs with AL80 and 7mm wetsuit. I dive about every other week, and have done 7 dives this year before my AOW.

Question is did I take a mild DCS hit, or did I have a combination of a reaction to the neopreen and just really tired from my weekend activities.
Were you dehydrated or did you exert yourself a lot or ascend rapidly, have a sawtooth profile etc? What were the out of water temps, did you leave your wetsuit on or not on SI? The profiles dont sound too bad unless you add in other factors that might affect things, people have gotten bent even safely inside the "line".

Of course give DAN a call (919-684-2948 or 919-684 4DAN if you think its an emergency).

My questions are to see if there were any other factors or if something else might be going on that looks like a hit. I am wondering if you just pushed your capillaries deep and then on rewarming you got flushed, this used to happen when i swam in cold water in the UK and nothing to do with diving. As for tired, doing a bunch of dives can be tiring, it could be nothing, it could be something so just give DAN a call and see.
Hey all,
I completed my advanced openwater + nitrox this weekend.
Saturday two dives on 36% 25min each max depth 40'. 1-2 hour SI
Sunday three dives on 32% ~25 min each, depth 95', 45', 22' 1-2 our SI between all.
Diving Full 7mm + hood + glove, temps 50's to high 40's

On Sunday morning I noticed what felt like a mild sunburn all over my body, including my face. Thought nothing of it, since no associated other pain.

But on sunday evening when I got home, I still had the same mild sunburn feeling, but accompanied with being very tired and a bit irratable (now I do have a two year old son that presently has an ear infection and being quite irratiable himself).

After taking a hot shower and sleeping for a couple of hours I felt much better.

For grins my BMI is about .29, (5'11'', 215lbs, but rather dense) use 16lbs with AL80 and 7mm wetsuit. I dive about every other week, and have done 7 dives this year before my AOW.

Question is did I take a mild DCS hit, or did I have a combination of a reaction to the neopreen and just really tired from my weekend activities.

Your dive profiles don't look very aggressive. Are you sure you didn't have a slight sunburn?

Not a medical doctor, but I have to ask if you were on antibiotics or other medications?

NOTE: I moved this discussion over to "Ask Dr Deco".
I had a DM break out with a rash due to pollen in the water (his diagnosis) earlier this year. It may be an allergy to something in the water, but I would defiantly contact DAN.
Your dive profiles don't look very aggressive. Are you sure you didn't have a slight sunburn?

I don't see your profiles as that agressive either. Causes of DCS can vary hugely, and it is possible, but honestly it sounds more like the effects of blood shunting brought on by the cold water temps to me.....when you hit the warmer air and the blood starts returning to the extremeties/skin the effects can feel much like sunburn.
I'm not a doctor but what you described sounds like you were just tired and perhaps a little sun burned. Ha ha ha - I'm irritable, a little sun burned (sometimes), and tired after a long day of diving too. Check with a doc or DAN to be sure but from my reading and training, DCS (from your diving profiles) is usually localized and not affecting your entire body as you described. When in doubt...call DAN or similar service to get more information.

blood shunting
That was the phrase i was looking for, you have my vote on that, a bit of sunburn and just diving a bunch on a warm day where you might also have become a tiny bit dehydrated - still recommend calling DAN just to talk :wink:
Thanks all,
You all seem to coroberate my initial feelings.

DCS unlikely because of quite conservative profiles.

Slight sunburn, cold water reaction or minor rash from the wetsuit, I do have rather delicate skin, being of eastern European descent.
Tiredness, busy two days of diving, plus not the best sleep due to my son's illness
Irratibility because of the above, and my general disposition :)
No other symptoms, and the ones I have went away in a short period of time.

Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't fooling myself, and that for some reason I may be pre-disposed to DCS. I'm planning a wreck dive in a couple of weeks that will have more aggressive profiles, and want to make sure that I'm not putting my son's father (me) in danger.
Thanks all,
You all seem to corroberate my initial feelings.

DCS unlikely because of quite conservative profiles.

Slight sunburn, cold water reaction or minor rash from the wetsuit, I do have rather delicate skin, being of eastern European descent.
Tiredness, busy two days of diving, plus not the best sleep due to my son's illness
Irratibility because of the above, and my general disposition :)
No other symptoms, and the ones I have went away in a short period of time.

Just wanted to make sure that I wasn't fooling myself, and that for some reason I may be pre-disposed to DCS. I'm planning a wreck dive in a couple of weeks that will have more aggressive profiles, and want to make sure that I'm not putting my son's father (me) in danger.


Just a short list of things to remember here:

(1) The ONLY true test of DCS is the so-called "test of pressure". If you have symptoms, and you go into the chamber, and they immediately remediate, it is DCS.

(2) If you are in doubt about a diving medical incident, call DAN's hotline. (If you, as a diver are not a DAN member, shame on you.) They will, in any case, answer your question to the best of their ability.

(3) ANY diving profile, no matter how conservative, holds a statistical probability (extremely small, but still there) that you could experience an "unexpected" DCS occurrence. If AT ANY TIME YOU SUSPECT that you might be experiencing DCS, no matter how unlikely it might seem, go directly to procedure #2 above.

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