Did anyone ever think... I can't do this??

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My personal experience was slightly different:I went through six months of pool training, certainly with some small problems, but the biggest was yet to come: on my very first certification dive I panicked on the surface and they had to literally drag me out of the water.

The following day I was asking around if anyone wanted brand new equipment.

I certainly am glad they didn't listen to me :) :)

I think you will find that once you get started, see how simple it can be, you will gain confidence. Ask questions if you are unsure about something. Your instructor should be more than happy to give you any help you need. They see students with issues all the time, and they know what to do. If you go in thinking you can, I'll bet good money you will. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

Dive Safe.

I discussed with each of my kids all the required skills and then we would go to the pool and practice with a snorkel and mask in the shallow end.

Removing the mask while using the snorkel.

Removing everything and trying to put it back on and then clear snorkel then clear the mask.

After this practice the actual scuba classes were easy for them. Also, we did this many times not just 3 or 4.

and since they were on their owm so to speak there was no real pressure to succeed.
I wouldn't give up before getting in the water and trying it at least. Once your in the water if you have fun and/or think you might eventually keep going. If your not having fun and/or don't think you will after some practice then make a decission. Diving isn't for everyone but neither is bowling.
When i first tried out diving, i was in your situation before. Aftre a few dive and drinking much pool water. I actually becomes more adapt to diving. Thus practice does make a person a better diver, do not feel embarrass about things you do wrong. Cause you will do it right the next time. Remember every dive you make makes you better!
I could go on and on about this..

My best advice is:

*Find an instructor that makes YOU feel at ease, and is very patient

*Ask if you can speak to some of his students that he has certified, if that will help you

*Read, read and reread until you have it down pat

*Practice the skills, over & over until you have them down pat

*Keep an 'I CAN do this attitude!" Others have done it and so can you

It took me 2 agencies to get my OW certification - the 1st instructor was poor with patience, etc. Find one that makes YOU feel at ease

Last but not least, HAVE FUN!

I went into my Open Water Check Out Dives PETRIFIED. Once I got in the water, I was hooked and didn't want to come out! It is one of the most memorable times of my life.

Good luck!
ScoobieDooo once bubbled...
I could go on and on about this..

My best advice is:

*Find an instructor that makes YOU feel at ease, and is very patient

*Ask if you can speak to some of his students that he has certified, if that will help you

*Read, read and reread until you have it down pat

*Practice the skills, over & over until you have them down pat

*Keep an 'I CAN do this attitude!" Others have done it and so can you

It took me 2 agencies to get my OW certification - the 1st instructor was poor with patience, etc. Find one that makes YOU feel at ease

Last but not least, HAVE FUN!

I went into my Open Water Check Out Dives PETRIFIED. Once I got in the water, I was hooked and didn't want to come out! It is one of the most memorable times of my life.

Good luck!

Hey guys, does anyone remember the recent thread from the new diver to be who tried and was so freaked by the instructor/mask removal drills that they were planning to drop diving? It stays in my mind because another SB member reached out and offered to help them in their free time.

pjdc1 trust us, it's not "just" you. Hey, while in time Scuba Diving becomes second nature (and a lot of the drills are to remind us it's not) - lets be real, breathing underwater isn't exactly how God made us ...

I believe....
Ziggys_Friend once bubbled...
Hey guys, does anyone remember the recent thread from the new diver to be who tried and was so freaked by the instructor/mask removal drills that they were planning to drop diving? It stays in my mind because another SB member reached out and offered to help them in their free time.~<//><
... that would be mtdivegirl? :) She used to hang out just up the street.
landlocked once bubbled...
I believe....
... that would be mtdivegirl? :) She used to hang out just up the street.

You mean this thread? http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12326 No, that wasn't the one I was thinking about, but it's a good one.

Recently someone posted about dropping out of a class because they couldn't handle the mask drill and the instructor was less than helpful ... sure wish I wasn't having a senior moment here ...

I did 3 resort courses and all 3 times, no problems in the pool or the lecture but as soon as I got in the water and they started deflating my BC, mini-panick attack and on the verge of hyperventalating. The 3rd one my mask started flooding and since none of these 3 sessions actually had me do the mask skills, I was less then comfortable. I felt like I had no control since I didn't really know how to handle the equipment and didn't trust a stranger with my life.

My husband dives and loves it so I finally took the full course (with lots of anxiety) last year. I did the mask clearing class twice. Oddly, I had no problem with taking off all my equipment at depth, dropping and retrieving weights, entries etc.

Due to a serious hand injury, it was 6 months between my last pool session and my check out dives. Conditions sucked with 3-5ft swells, strong currents, the works. My instructor who trains miliatry divers (not kidding) basically had a sink or swim attitude. It took 8 dives to get my 5 in. He offered no help with descent or anything. He said I had to do it myslef because once certified nobody was gonna hold my hand. I kept rolling in and trying every dive. The 2nd dive he went down before me and I was really struggling to get to the line to go down. After the first couple feet my mask flooded and when I tried to clear it I bounced back up. On the surface I couldn't get back down, my reg came out and I was getting tossed around by 4 ft swells. The DM on the boat jumped in and got my reg back in, then I kicked my way back to the ladder. I got severly reeemed by my instuctor and 20 min later rolled back over and had a great dive. I really wanted to just give up but I didn't. When got my card he told me he only pushed me because he knew I was going to be a great diver and I could handle it. I did 36 dives in a year and completed my AOW last month. I have never panicked, I can handle whatever conditions we get and I'm totally hooked on diving!

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