Depth gauge inaccuracy

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N.E. Texas
# of dives
100 - 199
Can an analogue depth gauge be "calibrated"?

I had a Dacor gauge that was within one or two feet or so of computers I checked it against. It flooded on a quarry dive and I bought a new Dacor replacement at the on-site LDS. It only has 24 dives on it, and on the 20th dive to 80fsw it stuck at 60ft on the way up, and I had to guess at the safety stop on solo ascent. It then seemed to go back to working alright for the rest of the trip.

On a recent lake dive it only registered 35ft. compared to 44 and 43 ft. on my buddie's computers.

Did I get a lemon? It seemed to have worked well before this.
Replace it...

I'm not absolutely positive, but as far as my experience tells analog depth gauges are not expensive enough for their repairs, service and calibrations be a common practice.

If you bought it new from a shop it probably can be replaced under the warranty.

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