Denise's very own NONSENSE THREAD

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He certainly gave her all he had...
Glad y'all enjoyed that pic! I wish my 40th Bday was THAT fun! LOL!

(Certain types of pelvic fractures require traction and that is why he was spread that way)

Hmmm it's Wednesday and PHD is giving us some deep thoughts into his psyche...makes me kind of scared...LOL!

If PHD has a psyche it would be psycho
I went to my son-in-law's graduation from the Police Academy a few weeks ago and a woman trained them in defense tactics. The officer chosen as the class president gave a speech saying she showed them that a 120lb 5'6" woman could drop a 300lb 6' tall man to his knees with one touch. I would have loved to take that class. :D
Brush your teeth please. Thats what this shark says.

you guys remember PHD's "Boats of DOOM"? (maybe it was a whole other thread... can't remember for sure.) (was a couple years ago)

anyway, he's been playing a lot with his new toy airplanes.... I'm wondering if he decided to join the two hobbies....


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