We just returned from two weeks staying at Den Laman. I guess that it was not quite as busy as described by the OP.
We met a few people who took the redeye. They did not seem to have a problem getting a room.
We flew in on Saturday evening. There was nobody in the office when we arrived, but they showed up when we called them on the house phone. They were a bit embarassed and indicated that they were informed we would arrive on a later flight. I think if they know that you are coming in, you can make arrangements for someone to meet you.
As for the diving. Well, Den Laman has two boats, but during our stay there was not enough demand to run them both. First person to sign up for a boat dive gets to select the site, else it is divemaster's choice. We signed up a few days ahead and had no problems.
As for courses, well I wanted to sign up for the extended version of the introduction to fish identification. Because I was the only one looking for that course, it did not happen. I did notice that they ran a rescue course for two people while we were there.
As for smiles.....there were lots to go around during our stay.
Never asked about Town Pier, but then again we did it last time and believe that it is overrated. There was also an additonal cost due to the requirement for a divemaster as I recall during our last visit (used Wannadive). During the orientation we were given the standard briefing about Town Pier: 24 hours prior notice required; they need your passport number; harbourmaster permission required; can't be done if a cruise ship is expected in port. It did not seem to be a popular choice for a dive through BDA. When we dove at Buddy Dive during the first week their dive board indicated that the Town Pier dive was not available. It might have been the timing.
We ate at the Lion's Den restaurant at Buddy Dive. Great service and a very nice meal. When we dove at Buddy Dive all of the folks were quite friendly.
As for the room, we found it quite to our liking. We do like the smaller places.
I believe the rental vehicles for Buddy Dive are somehow connected to the resort because I recall seeing many rentals with a Buddy Dive logo on the door. You are right that the folks at Den Laman could have provided better directions to their location. We had no trouble, but it was our second trip. As for rental pick-up and return there was no problem. The rental agency was open when we arrived and we took about ten minutes to sort out the administration. We left on the earling morning departure and the rental folks were available at 5 AM for the vehicle return, again without problem.
Maybe we were just lucky, or it could be that the time we selected to go to Bonaire was not during a busy period.