14,000 rooms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow! i must have not been counting correct, i have stayed at the Den Laman next door to the Sanddollar 3tims and i did not count that many rooms.. I guess we all like to exagerate the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Den Laman, has state of the arts everything. The dive shop is good, the hrs suck. Just put tanks in your truck of nitrox, since it is free,and put some in the free outdoor lockers. Carry your stuff to the room in your mesh gear bags. The satirs need to have chaep slip runners put on the,, but that is to much effort i guess on the resorts behalf.When you book a room, try to get one with Ocean view not a side view, you will be bery Happy!!! Third floor has awesome 1 bedroom;s qwith a view. LOL