Jim, Do a search of the LDS's websites in you area. How many are marketing toward local options? I think you'll find the clear majority are marketing training, equipment and trips. The vast majority don't even mention local diving except in a training context.
As an independent instructor with limited advertising budget I have to be creative. I'm woking with the Girl Scouts now. I went to one local high school to recruit a student to do some art for me. The county SWAT team was there for a training exercise. Guess who handed out a bunch of cards. I visit my local military recruiting offices every couple of months like clockwork. Those guys rotate out all the time so there is a potential source of new students all the time.
If I had a video camera I'd try to put together one for local public access stations. Air time is usually cheap or even free. I hand out cards to everyone, everywhere. IF DEMA were to put together a local diving video that showed people that they can stay home and have a lot of fun and be available to instructors and shops for a more or less token amount think of the exposure it could get. Let the end users determine how they want to broadcast it and pay for that. I could not put it on my local network stations but if it played on a monitor at my local gyms or hospital fitness fairs it would reach those who might otherwise never consider diving. Run it on airplanes going to Aruba? Ok but what about the people who fly to Alaska, the Dakotas, Seattle, or freakin Pittsburgh for chrissakes. That is where local diving needs a boost.
Shops are failing and DEMA is, in a way, promoting that failure. How can the little LDS in SW Pa, Tennessee, or Kentucky afford to buy time - and frankly why would they want to- to run an ad that in effect takes business away from them after the inital OW class? No wonder classes are getting shortened and divers shortchanged. THey have to cut corners to get enough students to keep the shop afloat. I'd rather have 10 students a year that dive locally on a regular basis and come back for advanced training than 25 who I see for OW and then not again because they only dive resorts. The shop would rather see those 10 that buy bc's, regs, suits, tanks, etc.
Yet DEMA continues to ignore this segment of the population. I was going to get my DEMA membership when I became an instructor. But being unable to attend the show for numerous reasons and seeing that my membership and one vote were really meaningless in the face of entities that could buy dozens by coughing up a few more dollars I saw no point.
Some may say that at least I would have had a say as a voting member. BULL! How many members signed the petition last year, along with those of us who would have become members if they thought it would be useful, and were basically dismissed as malcontents and troublemakers? If some of the smaller companies were to form a new association that addressed the issues we wanted DEMA to address you can bet your hind end I'd join. And be as active as I am now as a voice for local divers, shops, and smaller maunfacturers or even more so with the added resources an association would provide.