The current BOD's elected the "old boy", as good a guy as he is, they then refused to resign to reset the agenda. Just more of the same. Sad.
The attempt at a Unified Dive Industry was certainly worth a try.
I'm finally home, after 8 days away I just got to kiss my little girl goodnight and am looking forward to soon being out like a light myself.
I have MANY comments I want to make and will be posting as soon as I catch up. It was a solid show for EDGE, not so much for everyone however.
There are a thousands things to discuss and some serious lifting that needs to get done if we are going to avoid a near complete collapse of the industry. Yeah I REALLY think it is that serious.

IMHO We have a choice of bad (at least 3 more years like 2009 "IF" the econmy doesn't in fact get worse)and horrible where we have a decade or more of this in the dive industty EVEN if the economy is in recovery. There is ZERO question that the current path of the industry as a whole and our marketing associations will make the second a certainty if not changed. (however DEMA won't make it to enjoy the full fruits of their labours)
I'm pretty sure we can salvage at least part of the industry and get that part firmly in the 3 year camp...but it won't be easy, then again what is?
My last words to Jim, the new DEMA president is I would prefere to put six times the effort into helping DEMA than another minute spent on a f & * % ^ ing petition... however I won't wait for his call. I like him (qite a bit actually) but suspect they (DEMA) will be tied up in polics as usual to show some indications of sucess while lacking any concrete manifestations of actual sucesss.
THE UDF petition may end up as not getting everything asked for, thats OK because it showed me and others that there is at least a good percentage of us that are quite willing to fight for the industry. So we will.
Everybody have a great couple days. I plan on doing some serious work this week with EDGE and getting a couple days of diving in as well

After that I have some ideas and quite frankly I will be looking to have others join me.