Following up here. I've been enjoying the research and appreciate the education on plastics and bonding agents.
Due to currently being in Mexico turns out my adhesive options are very limited. Nothing remotely appropriate to be had, going with suspecting the material is Derlin as I came across an old advertisement for the scooter (Salvo MOJO) where one of the guys mentioned it (unsure if it's technically accurate, carves nicely, smooth and takes heat well...) Slippery new material I need to learn more about. Googling the terms in this thread and digesting the links.
This leads me to looking at the problem again. Hairline crack was external... I assumed it simply continued inside... Turns out it is leaking up the thread of a pair of bolts holding on a trim weight. I should have looked closer.
This morning I've carved a groove into the interior surface, encapsulating an oring. Slightly over tightening it appears and extruding due to the wrong size of head... Still suspect it will hold pressure.
Testing it this afternoon.
I can't see where the end of the crack leads internally so unfortunately I haven't drill stopped it. Hoping it doesn't continue and lead to an actual breach.
Looking around for a machinist up to the task who won't charge a fortune.... Times like this I miss my lathe (3 moves ago I dismantled my rough shop and now have very limited tools) getting salt water friendly aluminum might be ok here, plenty of marine supply and a few fabrication shops.
Attached are a few photos to make sense of my ramblings.
Thank you all again,