@Zef , I agree with
@Bigbella . I don't know how many regulators Edge-HOG sells, but it's not like they're Scubapro. I wouldn't be surprised if the service kits are put together in the USA, and not by the hundreds per day but maybe dozens, by a single person. Part of their job should be looking at the parts. It doesn't take much skill to spot an o-ring with bumps. The bumps can easily be felt with a gloved hand.
Well then be shocked, surprised, astounded, and stunned!
They are not put together in the US. They are assembled at the factory overseas by people who may have no idea what they are for and just do what they are told. "Put this many of these in the bag."
How many do they get in at a time? Hundreds. Easily. Several times year. HOG has been selling the D1 for nearly 13 years now. Thousands are in use and they are still selling them.
Did you call your dealer? If not, why not? Had I been the one who sold you the kit, you'd have had a replacement in the mail immediately at no charge and I would have used your photo to get them to send me a replacement for the kit I'd have sent you at no cost. They have done it before for me when something was funky. Rare but it happens. What O-ring is it? Did you contact your dealer for a replacement? I've ran into a couple of minor issues with kits over the years. An extra O-ring, three HP hose O-rings instead of two, one with a mold mark on the seam, and one that looked fuzzy. No big deal. I called HOG and got a replacement kit. These experiences are with literally hundreds of kits over the last 12 years I've been servicing mine and 8 years teaching servicing of them.
Like Tbone said, it happens.
The same parts are used in a number of different regs for different companies. Depending on who in the world is distributing the parts, there may be some substitutions on what they need to have in them. HOG supplies three replacement port plug O-rings. The same kit for a company selling a reg in Europe may want to supply 5 or none.
A production line produces them, they go into bins designated for that reg and distributor, then the bags are tagged with the label. Maybe. Some are sent out with no label because they are going to a brand that only supplies to dealers or one dealer and there is no need to put a fancy label on. I've picked up kits over the years that just had a label that said "RG-12" on it. Got it with some stuff from a defunct shop. Knew it was a first stage kit because of the diaphragm.
So what actually changes is the label on the bag. They are assembled by the hundreds per day as a result. I don't do reg service full time, but in the last three months thanks to many people not being able to dive, I've gone through several dozen kits for D1's, D3's, and D2's as well as second stages.
I work in a machine shop that does DoD and Aerospace production. Some of the work we do is 100% inspection. Most is sample inspection. Dictated by the customer or our own internal policy. It could be 1 per every 20 to 1 per every 250 or 500 depending on the contract. Do things slip through? Yes. A blip in the feed line for the abrasive on the waterjet can make a part out of tolerance on one edge but you won't see it. The CMM will if that part happens to be scheduled to be checked. If not, it will go out and we may have to make a replacement if the customer spots it.