Dr. Lecter
The reality for you nad's, you keep sticking your tongue on light poles this time of year up there in Edmonton, it will keep on getting stuck. . .(Lord Stanley's Cup says Hi from LA by-the-way!)
If I'm still alive & writing about what's been happening in my experience . . .then do as I say as lesson-learned and not as I did wrong in hindsight. . .
Kev, given your experiences with RD and type I symptoms, have you considered trying something different just to see how it works? I found VPM of any reasonable conservatism left me feeling less than super for similar/somewhat longer and deeper air or lean trimix dives - unless I hugely extended the shallow stops to compensate for the extra deep time. In the last year or so I have been very happy with GFs in the 50/80 or 60/80 range. Others I dive with have swung the needle even further, halving or zeroing out the HE % and moving to 80/85. So far, everyone seems happier than they were on the deeper-biased models, and while we're not pushing much past 100m or running more than several hours of deco, the dives aren't exactly forgiving of insufficient deco.