Yup, the RGBM algorithm is promoted by Naui tech. However, it is not the only algorithm used by Naui tech divers...Many algorithms are discussed, and certainly the pro's, cons and limitations of each are discussed as well. The reality is that unless you can teach tech courses in a location(or on a vessel) where a 3hr SIT is attainable, you are better off jumping to Buhlmann (unless of course you feel the need to spend a couple hundred bucks on Gap software) as the software is readily available and relatively cheap, and the Multi level dive computers that are capable of planning decompression dives generally support that algorithm(as well as VPM and now Liquivision supports RGBM on the Xeo).
RGBM is not the only answer, although neither is Buhlmann.
I am not sure of this, but doesn't NAUI also teach the use of deep stops in recreational diving as well?