Would you mind showing some pictures of your BP/W now that you have it setup? What did you end up doing for the inflator hose?
So initially I was going off of memory on BP/W setup and this video:
which seems to show things rigged up much tighter and that was creating problems for me. Thank you to everyone for the links above. I made some adjustments based on those and the suggestion for routing only the LPI hose in the bungee to give better range of motion. I shifted all that around then had a video chat with
@LandonL where he looked at the fit. I shifted my shoulder D rings slightly down at his suggestion because with the additional play in the shoulder straps when in trim in the water the plate will basically rest on my back and the D rings will be slightly lower and thus be in the correct position to allow my lights to be tucked up and under my arms.
So I have the strap loose enough to place a fist under each strap at the same time.
While holding a fist under one strap I can reach back with the other hand and touch the top inch or so of the backplate.
I ran the LPI hose only through the bungee that is loped into the triglide with the D ring
This allows me to lift the inflator/deflator straight up without creating and S curve in it. Thanks for that suggestion
Last I was using the provided nylon sleeves at the top and bottom slots that the webbing feeds through. I left the top ones as they are static and wont move because of the center bolt. I was having issues with the webbing sliding in the sleeve after doning and doffing resulting in different should strap lengths. So I ditched them and used a triglide a the back of the plate and now they are fixed and wont move. It is possible, at the right angle, to have that whole contraption slide through the lower slot so I will dive and see if that happens with me. If it does I will move to the larger plastic triglide.